I have my favorite ‘skirt and blouse’ worn on several
important occasions – I wonder why on
the last event I had that pair on me, friends could not help complimenting that
I look blooming, I even heard a ‘wow’.
I kept thinking what made the difference the fact that I am also wearing the
same dress and shoes.
Wanted: Reliable Internet Signal Booster
I have more to share but my internet connection limits me. I am in a remote area where
the broadband/internet connection is very weak and no DSL offers yet around
because only a few household have a PC in the area. Even wifi connection is not possible. Fortunately,
mobile phone signals are just a bit fine(say I place it on the window where
three signal bars appear), - when I get the phone from where the signal is, the
call will be hanged-up or my message wont be sent, the signal disappears. As my plug-it broadband shows, I only got 2G signal in my place.
Pork Nilaga Tips
The very first time I
cook Nilaga (Boiled) Pork Ribs, I had all the ingredients peeled and prepared. I follow the ‘what is hard to soften comes in the pot earlier and the hardest, last’.
Like when I put the leafy vegetables, it is just a few minutes before removing it from the stove.
For me and maybe for
the others plantain bananas or ‘saba’ in Tagalog had been very complicated to cook because if you overcooked
it, it becomes too soft or if undercooked the outer layer is done while the
innermost tastes uncooked (although it can be eaten raw, it is tastier to eat
it cooked in Nilaga recipe).
Reminders on 'Lay-Away' Selling
I. On Provisional Receipt (PR)
The seller can issue a
Provisional Receipt for L-A items with the ff:
- Provisional Receipt
with letterhead of your store/company
Do not buy generic PR’s just anywhere, spend
for the printing (it will be your protection from fake receipts).
How to Use the SNIPPING TOOL
The invention of the
SNIPPING TOOL has made the work of writers like me hassle-free. Most of the
images I used for my blog I have done with the use of Adobe Photoshop, it took
me a while to learn it by watching two minute-length tutorials and the rest I discovered through
hands-on ‘try and error’ thing. The SNIPPING TOOL is not as complicated as the
layered photoshop that until now I can say, I am just an average
learner. I still cannot edit facial
features in a photo and do not know yet how to change photo background. For budding bloggers like me, the SNIPPING
tool will help us a lot for our blog image needs. But I suggest you learn the diverse Adobe Photoshop application too later on. For
temporary use, here is how to use the very helpful SNIPPING TOOL that you can
learn in just a matter of minutes –in just one sitting.
MUST-know Selling Method
Have you been
wondering how to keep your store abreast with the evolving economic situation
of your consumers while still peaking on sales?
Earning for an income is a bit difficult as well as saving for the
future. People may want to buy goods from you BUT if your products do not fall
in the bracket of ‘prime necessities’ – consumers tend to put their buying desire
at the back of their budget, maybe waiting for a chance to have an extra to get for example newer mobile
phones, laptops, jewelries etc.
Smart Watch Product Review
Hello my
dear friends. My family’s place is in a poor signal area in terms of network
connection. We can hardly connect with a 3G signal – sometimes we can snatch a
single bar, in a ‘particular location’
– for us, it’s the window facing the
kitchen sink. For that, we had to
take calls in the ‘speaker mode’
because the moment we lift the handset, it runs-out of signal. Whew! Communication has not been better since
we discovered the Smart Watch.
My husband
is quite curious about this smart watch
that is sold in about US $20. His comrades had been using one for almost a
month and it surprises him to know that the product really works. (NOT a SPONSORED POST)
The Philippine Arena
Why is
there a need for the Church of Christ
(Iglesia ni Cristo) to spend for
structures like Philippine Arena and Phil. Sports Stadium and Phil. Sports Complex?
At a glance,
one will not really see the importance of those structures to the service of
God not being a chapel. If deeply
analyzed, aside from the most common reason others might speculate – to have a
place to call our own during big events and gatherings– no more complains of
traffic from non-members when we do our religious assembly in public places;
the MOST IMPORTANT REASON is we glorify our Lord God when we are united. Church
activities keep us united in faith.
Only in a
private venue far from main thoroughfares in Metro Manila, we can have our
church activities without government intervention (traffic) and public scrutiny
(due to traffic we inevitably and unintentionally cause). Important programs or celebrations especially
during occasions most especially worship services that needs huge accommodation
can be done in the Philippine Arena (known to be the largest indoor arena on
earth). Actually, it is still not enough to house worldwide members.
(MORE Youtube Links PROVIDED at the bottom of the post)
An Inspirational Quote
Life in this world is full of surprises no
matter how much effort you give and whatever you do to make things better,
things just do not turn-out the way we wanted or as planned .We cannot really
adjust the direction of the wind, sometimes better known as our destiny or fate but we can always adjust
our “sail”
that symbolizes our actions to reach a certain ‘destination’ , our GOALS. And
because of that man has learned to improvise – creativity also applies in life.
One must learn to create something from the available resources.
Okay, you were not accepted in the Company
you have dreamed of working with –hey, it is not the end of the world for you.
We sometimes need to reflect or look back from where it all began not to waste
our time being sad about our loss or failure but to seek what caused us to
fail. And there comes adjustment. We must employ conservative thinking in a way
that we must have a contingency plan; that means when “Plan A” did not work I still have “Plan B” or even “Plan C”...
depending on how determined you are to reach your target.
Impress Your Boss: Reminder on Work Ethics
Being God-fearing, believing that everything we do
is not hidden from our Creator – we must be guided by the principles of being
HONEST at all times. Honest to other people, to our work and to ourselves and
by doing that we glorify God.
We must not steal when we are doing our job. How can
someone steal if he does not bring anything out from the office or work
place? Not only material things
are prone to theft – but more importantly TIME.
Workers are paid for ‘hours’ of working, there is a
window time for lunch and other non-work-related activities. We must learn to
be conscientious having shortcomings in doing our job; even if we are not
expecting – we will reap the rewards of being one.
to find-out if you are not stealing TIME from your employer:
Speak Filipino: Degrees of Adjective
Changing adjectives' intensity (degree) in the Filipino language is somewhat different from the rules in the English Language. In English, the Comparative Degree of adjective is done just by adding the prefix '-er' to the root word or just putting the expression 'more' before it - the previous one is just the option. Using the expression 'mas' (same as 'more' in the English language) to express comparative degree or comparison of two persons or things.
A MUST for Women of All Ages
Since puberty comes as early as ten years old for girls, having what
they call whitish discharge (a.k.a. white mens as popularly known) is
inevitable. Girls and most probably
every women need to stay fresh and clean all the time; not just at home when she
can easily wash and change underwear, if out for school or for work sometimes
that would be impossible. Now comes the modern solution – the invention of
panty-liners. (This is not a sponsored post).
Speak Filipino: 'Paki-'
Here is a help on how you can command in a polite manner -the 'kindly' or 'please' translated in Filipino.
I have made this file on a picture format (jpeg) you can download and have it printed for your guide.
If you think this post has helped you in some way, don't forget to give it a plus and please re-share it. Thanks and have a great day!
Idiom Decoded: 'below the belt'
phrase is an Idiom (a phrase or word that does NOT imply or talk about LITERAL meaning) that means ‘not fair or unjust’.
Meaning, an act or move that aggrieves, hurt or pained and even saddened
another person. ‘Below’ represents ‘under’.
‘the belt’
here resembles ‘boundary or limits’ that
have been ignored or forgotten. We are talking more about connotations of each
word not its LITERAL meaning or sense.
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Family, Daily Living & Style by Angelita Galiza-Madera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.