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Opinion on Tax Reform Bills

Philippine Taxation Law was set almost three decades ago in 1987.  Taxation being the primary source of the government’s revenues, there are three legislators who looked closely on it especially personal taxes - sees a need for Reform. The latest among is Senator Angara’s which had been the topic of discussions in the country today. The President and the BIR Commissioner were not in favor of the TAX CUT Angara has suggested. Comparing the Bills filed here is what I am seeing about it, being an ordinary citizen.

A Glimpse on Tax Reform Bills

SB 2149 2014 authored by Senator Juan Edgardo “ Sonny” Angara  

Angara supports the need for Tax Cut, he also explained that the expected shortage on collections for the Government’s Budge can be settled from other income sources. Angara advocated that the Government can collect twice as much from the revenues sourcing from the Bureau of Customs (BOC) and the Bureau of 

Internal Revenues plus the premiums obtained from Public and Private Partnerships(PPP) undertakings.  And the two Bureaus mentioned above can generate an income of around  1-1.5 T and IF the bill is approved,  ONLY 30 B from it shall be cut from the government’s income

His advocacy lies on the empowerment of Human Capital thru reduced levy so that our own would not think of migrating to neighboring countries where taxes are quite feasible to them since we are on the verge of economic integration with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) community. More likely that job opportunities abroad will attract  our income tax payers to leave the country burdened by the taxes billed on them.

Sin Taxes (taxes on cigarettes and beer) can also be jacked-up (also to help people preserve their health) . A good example is greater taxes for three to four times car owners when buying their next luxury car – this has a domino effect on the economy affecting traffic conditions if they will be allowed leniently. Those are some of the options that will also provide  advantage to the economy and the citizens.

SB 1942 2013 authored by Senator  Paolo  Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV

Sen. Aquino suggested tax rate adjustment on a six-year interval according to Consumer Price Index (CPI) and  a tax exemption for earners of 60,000 below. Quite helpful for low-wage earnersJ

SB 716 filed 2013 filed by Senator Ralph Recto

The threshold shall be matched or adjusted with the prevailing Consumer Price Index (CPI) – that would probably explain the need for HIGHER adjustment on set taxing brackets as he said the prices of consumer commodities has almost doubled from 1998 to 2013. He has also cleared that earners in the 20,000 below range shall only be charged the lowest rate of 5%. The bill also suggests that rates be adjusted every six years interval based on CPI.

Why Pro-Tax Reform?

The salary of a fastfood service crew today can be somehow compared to the salary of the Store Managers way back in 1987 when the Taxation Law has been put on practice. I believe that his suggestion on adjustment basis is fairly acceptable for us and to our economy. I salute the Sen Recto for not just favoring what could possibly please the public alone but he is balancing his suggestions with respect to the economic situation.

Noble Definition of Love

We always hear of stories about nobility of the word "LOVE".  And below is among my favorite quotes about how it is being perceived.

What is written here is about unselfish love. If a thing that can make you happy will NOT make your partner feel the same but sad instead- you would rather sacrifice your own happiness because you love that person. 

Honesty Quote

This Quote reminds us about being HONEST all the time. And in my almost thirty-six years of  life existence here are the things I have learned about it and I hope it will inspire you :)

Honesty keeps us away from:

Beachyful Photos

Hi, I have a fascination with photos. I really love to bring my digicam everywhere my family go. and this is just among them. I like the shadow and light element here. Not a professional photographer but I really think you would like these, friends...

My daughter playing sand in a Resort in Quezon Province

Aldub Mania

May epidemyang kumakalat ngayon sa Pilipinas, ito ay kakaibang sakit. Ang dulot nito ay kilig at saya bata man o matanda, maging babae man o lalake at inspirasyon sa bawat umiibig. Sabi nila sinakop na daw tayo ng ALDub Nation…kahit ako nga na may-asawa at nanay na ay naaadik  sa pagsubaybay sa bawat eksena araw-araw. Gusto ko talaga iyong comedy na dala nila.

(There is an epidemic spreading here in the Philippines, it is a unique ailment. It brings happiness to everyone, young or old. It seems like we had been colonized by AlDub Nation – “Al” came from Alden Richards’ name and “Dub” came from Yaya Dub’s. Even I am a married now and a mother I was also smitten by their charm. Their funny side makes me laugh.)

I am One with EVM

This blog to be glanced by my dearest Bro. Eduardo may just be a DREAM - knowing that he is always busy with duties in the Church.  But still, I can not let this chance to pass. I wanted to greet him:

Me and my family love Bro. Eduardo because even he is not beside us physically, we feel him through the CARE and attention he is giving the Church. Every lesson he prepares for the Worship Service, the connection - reaching us through WebEx, no matter how far we are, we are close to his heart. He never gets tired of going around, visiting locales all over the world despite his fear of riding airplane; no war nor hot climate can stop his journey.

Having Problems with Your In-laws?

Are you among those wives having problems with in-laws most especially with your mother-in-law?
Is she always meddling (?) with how you do things? In cooking? In doing the household chores? In disciplining your children? Or even with how you handle your responsibilities being her son’s wife?

First of all you have to understand, that his mother is the former queen of your hubby’s life. Yes, they have been attached since your husband’s existence. That is the real reason why the m-i-l seemed so “cruel” to you, there is just some little depression happening when they suddenly part ways as Mr. Hubby moves his focus of attention to you.  

You can alleviate his mom’s (now your mom too) feelings through understanding.  Telling her always that you and your husband are just around and her child has just became children now. That there is now the two of you.  

Family Planning Methods (Natural and Artificial)

Mga Kahinaan ng Natural na Pamamaraan ng Pagplaplano ng Pamilya
 Hindi  ipinapayo ag “abstinence” sapagkat nakapagdudulot ito ng infidelity lalo na sa bahagi ng kalalakihan, bibihira ang kayang magpigil.

Sa Natural Method din na Withdrawal, may sumasablay dahil ayon sa mga eksperto, nakakapag-eject na rin ng semilya ang lalaki kahit wala pa talaga siya sa climax at 24-48 hrs. nananatiling buhay ang sperms para makapag-fertilize kung sakaling may aksidenteng mag-drop  sa vagina.

Confusion Buster: "We" and "They" Substitution

Like many of students who have encountered the pronouns “we” and “they”, I also get confused in substituting nouns with these plural pronouns —  especially in sentences where I thought I was included with the ones being referred to. Like for example the nouns “youth”, “students” or “children” (when I was still a student) used with another noun like:

1. The government leaders and the youth are expected to join the Recycling Summit.

I was assuming before that being a “youth” too when I was in highschool or college, I was among those who are being talked about that is why I get confused whether to change the compound subject to “they” or “we”.

Marinated Milkfish's (Bangus) TOP Secret

My husband and I love Vinegar Marinated Milkfish. We order it from fastfood’s breakfast meal menu,I have tried cooking it at home but shy to admit, I failed. It took me three more years to find out why the Milkfish I am cooking does not taste that good despite of choosing the freshest Milkfish, putting iodized salt, pepper and the tastiest Pinoy garlic variety. I put a lot of salt and vinegar submerging the fish) but still it taste saltless and the vinegar, seemed nowhere. I thought it was MSG, I am missing but still the taste is bland, I was not able to decipher the secret behind the tasty Bangus Fry not until I met this Aling Anna, a Milkfish vendor in Silang Market in the year 2007. She is selling very fresh Bangus from Panggasinan  (the well-known source of Dagupan Bangus – the meat is a bit tangy and tasteful not like the once I have tasted before that is tasteless, you will get what I mean when you taste it) as well as deboning and marinating some of it for selling too. Many times I bought the marinated ones. But when I started to learn deboning Milkfish ( I want my family to enjoy eating without the frightening fish bones), my desire to know the secret  behind her tasty Bangus, I end-up asking Aling Anna one market day. She is hesitant to share it, maybe because of the other vendors around, since we somehow became friends, me being her frequent buyer – I told her too that I am not going to sell and be her competition, it is just for home use; she gave in. And you know what?!  I did not miss any ingredient.  It is just the TECHNIQUE that made the big difference on taste. Here are the tips she shared and I hope it will be of BIG help to you too.

The Secrets Revealed:

1. After deboning and washing the Milkfish, salt it back and front.  Let the salt be ABSORBED for around 30 minutes or more.  Usual Ingredients:

Milkfish (Bangus)
ground black pepper

Amazing Vase: Water Bonsai Update

Here are the latest photos of our water bonsai collection...

Peaceful Assembly of the Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Cristo) Members in EDSA

I am one with the Church Administration, I am a part of the body.  Arriving meters away from the venue in the dawn of  Monday Aug. 31, 2015. My teary-eyed feeling of happiness that I am there along with the other brethrens who felt dismay of the DOJ Secretary’s flagrant support to the case filed by former INC minister and church member Isaias Samson.

We, as members of the Church are taught to respect the laws of the government, workplace etc. We are admonished NOT to join LABOR UNIONS that is why church members’ in Hacienda Luisita known to be maltreated by other co-workers who called for revolt against its administrators –they were not accepted for a ride, they were not sold food and other merchandise they need (Years ago,  the Church Administration has decided to buy a land to relocate them in Laur, Nueva Ecija –the Baranggay Maligaya). That is just one example of how we are being obedient and peaceful citizens of this homeland.

INC members have been good society players too – we are encouraged to live peacefully and avoid vices like drugs and alcohol so we would not become delinquent members of the community. The
 Church members’ have been very supportive of all government projects and advocacies; reminders on voters’ registration (are even read on our Worship Services), keeping the country clean and green (thru various clean-up drives made throughout the country’s scenic spots and shores/tree planting on mountains and in areas that needed such) we also work hand-in-hand with the government’s DOH call in blood donation drives (we even sponsored some), we are also helping the government aid in disasters (bec, we are catering to ALL those in need not just members of the church alone) like in Yolanda (Typhoon Haiyan) victims in fact the FYM Foundation was among the earliest help that arrived in Leyte that time and among the benefactors of continuous food supply for almost a month.

We are not among those who had given the government a headache. I was really wondering what could possibly be the OTHER reason for this partiality?! This time, we had to speak-out, that we are not blindfolded of what DOJ (headed by Sec. de Lima) wants us to SEE. For that, we could not hold our silence anymore and we are fighting for our RIGHT as ONE man in the eyes of God. Members went to EDSA  with hearts beating as ONE, that is why when the issue is over (when the government gave time and look on the issue impartially) we also LEFT the area like a single person.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) SEEMED to be unfair and biased on favoring Samson’s case filed against the Church’s council? And the matter that is supposed-to-be an internal affair of the church became a National Issue – is Sec. de Lima running out of problems to solve and gave focus on meddling with the church’s affairs? How about the SAF 44? Is there justice yet for the victims that were heartlessly massacred? How about the “Pork Barrel Scam”? Is justice well-served for the stolen national coffers? Half-done maybe…the issue on our National Park –the photo bomber? The ZTE Deal that may have stolen free internet access from the Filipino people? The Privatization of Fort Bonifacio, the immense corruption within government agencies, the latest issue on the “Balikbayan Boxes” in the Bureau of Customs? The MRT maintenance contract, is it well-executed by the other party? If YES, why are there frequent problems on its operations? Did she look-up on the provisions of the Contract? All I noticed is just REPAIRS correct me if I am wrong, have they really done some maintenance work on it?  Those are just the ones known to me. Maybe our fellow-countrymen know more a lot more.

Maruya (Banana Pancake) Recipe, My Style

My place is abundant of banana plantain (saging na saba). I do not buy them, friends just share some of their harvest to my family. I have eaten the conventional Maruya and it is really a comfort food paired with a hot chocolate, coffee or even cold drink.  I tried putting a twist to this famous Pinoy merienda (snack). Easy to cook with easy to find ingredients.

Crispier Fried Rice Tip

Friends,  wondering how you can give your fried rice a CRISPIER texture?  Here are the steps.

1.  Transfer left-over rice in a plastic container.