Crispier Fried Rice Tip

Friends,  wondering how you can give your fried rice a CRISPIER texture?  Here are the steps.

1.  Transfer left-over rice in a plastic container.

2.  Crumble it to spread and to be ready for frying anytime after a few hours. Or do this with your lunch leftover rice for your breakfast the following day.

3.  Keep the plastic ware’s lid if you will cook it a day or more before. If hours after, just keep the lid open so that each rice grain can chill. Refrigerate, NOT in the freezer just in the level  below the chiller.

4.  Be sure to prepare the garlic or veggies you will sauté with your rice. Just take it out from the refrigerator when it is time to put it in the pan.  You will notice it is dehydrated when cooked! REAL FRIED riceJ

I accidentally discovered it and this really works, fried rice has never been so deliciously fried. What I have in mind is to keep the rice unspoiled the next day and I am serving newly-steamed that day’s next meal time. The leftover rice has been sitting for a day in the fridge when I cooked it and it is even better! 


This is ONLY recommended for well-done/cooked steamed rice, it may not be suitable for sticky and moistly-cooked rice.

Another Tip:

If you want to put egg to add color and flavor to your fried rice, scramble and fry it first on the pan where you will fry the rice, then set aside. Just put it back when the rice is cooked,just chop it right there using the ladle.

You should also have "Teflon" pan the original "Tefal" for enjoyable amazingly non-stick fried rice.

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