I am One with EVM

This blog to be glanced by my dearest Bro. Eduardo may just be a DREAM - knowing that he is always busy with duties in the Church.  But still, I can not let this chance to pass. I wanted to greet him:

Me and my family love Bro. Eduardo because even he is not beside us physically, we feel him through the CARE and attention he is giving the Church. Every lesson he prepares for the Worship Service, the connection - reaching us through WebEx, no matter how far we are, we are close to his heart. He never gets tired of going around, visiting locales all over the world despite his fear of riding airplane; no war nor hot climate can stop his journey.
The Church Administration reaches-out to every brethren, in every locale in as far as the mountains of Cagayan Valley and other remote Barangays - he knows most of the members in the areas are walking for hours just to attend Worship Service that is why he has thought of erecting Barangay Chapels as temporary worship places for the brethren. That is how he is looking deeply, thoughtful of our duties, relieving us of some hardships he can remedy. My heart is filled with thanks seeing those chapels standing as I watch "Pundasyon" episodes (you can find it on Youtube and on my Recommended Video App-left bottom side of the blog), I am really happy for our siblings-in-Christ. It is really moving to see old and young members carrying cement and other materials because truck can't come near the proposed lot for the chapel. Everyone is happily doing it because they felt the Church Administration 's concern of how they are performing their duties to our Lord God. Alongside the erection of Phil. Arena are the 800+ chapels being constructed simultaneously in the country and overseas catering to every members/localities need for houses of worship.

Bro. Eduardo even thought of making each brethren close to each other by conceptualizing the Philippine Arena and now it stands proud holding every important occasion of the Church has to celebrate. The Unity games is just so amazing, the games did not teach every church member the PRIDE OF WINNING but the JOY of UNITING with brethren from all over the world. The Church administration taught us a NEW definition for competing - a brotherly competition, all being fair, no complaints at all was heard that is just among the nice comments of the referees and game consultants (who are non-members) that are recognized on each one's field. Our dear brother did not told us to act that way, but we know that it is the spirit that we have got to have being ONE.  The Philippine Arena is just another living proof of how brilliant and victorious the Church has become with no other than God's help though the leadership of Bro. Eduardo.

"Mahal po namin kayo, Ka. Eduardo...we wish you the best of health po." The highest honor I could possibly dream of is having Bro. Eduardo reading my blog, this post I wrote for him. 

If you want to know more about the Church or the Philippine Arena visit incmedia.org

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