Noble Definition of Love

We always hear of stories about nobility of the word "LOVE".  And below is among my favorite quotes about how it is being perceived.

What is written here is about unselfish love. If a thing that can make you happy will NOT make your partner feel the same but sad instead- you would rather sacrifice your own happiness because you love that person. 

A classic example is that of a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, the man wants to settle-down but the woman wants to pursue a dream job opportunity abroad. The man of course knows that it would be difficult for him but he will be more than happy to give-way for her dreams to have fulfillment. He is happier than she will be if she is.

In courtship, you would rather see the one you love with that person you know that will make her happy you tend to forget your own feelings and let go of her without any hesitation. True Love is never selfish or unkind, will you not be one if you push yourself on her?! It lessens the heaviness you feel of unrequited love seeing your object of affection contented and you can never be the reason to take-away that moment from her.

If you find someone as understanding as that, happy or sad as you are - do not let go of that person. It just reveals his noble affection and how good his heart is and if it happens that you have found someone you love other than that person IN CASE, that someone left you, consider THAT PERSON...I advise this only to those who are in a relationship that are NOT YET sealed by our Lord God. The married ones, I believe they should have their second chance in the only ground permitted by God which is "death" do they part...

Did I get so serious on that, friends? Don't worry I will not be that so serious to be hospitalized yet, lol. Here is my other article about that wonderful emotion The Real Essence of Love. And movies and song suggestions about Movies and Songs Suggestions with tips on formats.

Thanks for reading, I really really appreciate your time reading. I will be thankful to of your comments whatever they are. 

Please plus, re-share, pin it, tweet it IF you happen to like what you have read.Have a hearty day ahead. 

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