Duterte is NOT Hitler

It is my daily habit to watch the News to be updated on the current issues about my country and even the international community.  I listen and watched only the trusted NEWS AUTHORITIES and presenters who received various recognitions locally and even from Readers’ Digest Asia. To be able to give worthy opinion or reaction, I deeply believe I should filter my resources carefully – that is my advocacy as a writer.

I hate the fact that our President is being identically compared to the heartless(?!) German, Adolf Hitler who had made the ‘Holocaust’ ( read see and click this link = you can read Holocaust by Wikipedia part of the History. The Jewish organization is but right in telling the victims of the Holocaust should not be likened to drug addicts there are even children. Yes, that is right there is nowhere in the context of the President’s recent speech that they are being called as such.  The Prexy was just insulted that the international media compared him to Hitler – to reiterate, he is ordering the killing of millions of innocent people (men, women and children) for a selfish reason (?!).

Why are We Not Celebrating Christmas

Many people thought that because we do not celebrate Christmas, we do not value or give importance to the existence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hear it from me, a certified member of the Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Cristo) – that is absolutely wrong! In fact, the church I belonged to bear our Lord Jesus Christ’s name that is one great way to show we adore and worship him. 

Tagaytay Dream House for SALE

A pre-owned home just a few hours away from Metro Manila and adjacent to Dasmarinas, Cavite. Next to Baguio in terms of good cold weather, a scenic view of the Taal Lake and a real resting place for your family. Royale Estates Tagaytay is secured with 24-hour security.

see more photos

Jose Rizal: Philippines' National Hero

Why are we celebrating Rizal Day on December 30 and not on his birthdate on June 19? We often thought of celebrating a person’s being on one’s birthday, Dr. Jose P. Rizal being our National Hero – we remember his death.  Because on that day he died a hero.

Why he deserved to be our National Hero? Dr. Rizal displayed not only courage, strength, brainpower but also a noble heart of hero, indeed!  The revolutionary saga by our brave forefathers like Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo and his men can be considered as the result of Dr. Rizal’s mind-opening expedition.  The BOUNTY is of course our Liberty.

Reaction on Marcos' Burial

First of all, I respect the claiming victims of the Martial Law.  But above it, I respect the decision of the -Supreme Court.  We have the SC to settle issues that matter to our country that are deemed to be irresolvable by the lower courts or even issues that may put the people’s trust in the existing government in peril.

Being sensationalized are the victims who are said to be tortured during captivity, this is not to imply anything bad – BUT where are they when arrested for questioning? Are not they in the middle of protests (that most of the times become violently aggressive?). These testimonies had instill hatred and caused many of our fellow Pinoys rushing in the streets to rally, we can not also discount the social media reactions.

Our country is democratic, everyJuan can be heard.  BUT, democracy became boundless, unrespectable of the Government. The ones who threaten governance and incite sedition destabilize the country which has riffling effect in the economy.  BUT STILL, there is no license given to authorities to abduct, torture or murder implicated suspects. It is saddening to hear the unfortunate stories.

‘Libingan ng mga Bayani’ (Heroes’ Cemetery) is known to be the burial site of those who died in government service – soldiers, cops, and even former Presidents.  There is no requirements like medals, list of accomplishments needed to qualify as prescribed by the Law, no wonder why the Supreme Court favored Marcos Burial.

Useful Link:

The once given to the former President can not be called ‘Heroes Burial’, he was just accorded based on his former rank in government. What is circulating around are just personal assumptions hearing that former President FE Marcos is buried in a cemetery with ‘HERO’ on its name (‘Libingan ng mga Bayani’ is ‘Heroes’ Cemetery’ in English). Why had most of the protesters had taken the cemetery’s name heartily? We have heard of a legislator who suggested to RENAME the cemetery – just to give justice (?!) to both sides and to stop the nonsense clamor this issue has brought to the nation, the international community is seeing it on the news.  This can hamper our economy, even the personal lives of these people who are spending time they could have spent at work or with their families.

Burying a former President in LNB did not change History BUT the literal burial address, let us grow-up.  If you are an educator, do not teach little children to protest, they have no clear picture of it and they can only be influenced by anybody who wants to inject ideas on them. They still do not have convictions of their own – I was distraught seeing on the NEWS elementary students of a private school protesting (either the teacher wanted to be seen on tv or she just wanted a rest day of teaching?!).

Who had started the MYTH that burying Marcos in LNB changes History?! That is exaggerated.  Nothing changes but the MERE BURIAL ADDRESS!  History is called such because it is in the PAST.  Where or in what dictionary or encyclopedia that the word ‘history’ is defined as ‘present’?! How can History already written in the books and instilled in the minds of the people may be changed in a wink of an eye by the present situation when it has passed? Are they nuts?! We are not in the movie where we can adventurously go back to the past.  Spelling PAST and PRESENT is totally different – what more their MEANING?! The facts remain the same ONLY the burial itself is NEW. What we do today will just be PART of History tomorrow. It does NOT have the POWER to INFLUENCE what has happened in the past. What will be added to Philippine History in the future? Marcos was buried in LNB that date, NO MORE. He did not become a hero nor erases his bad or good deeds either. He was just a former President of the Republic.

Philippines' Bilibid Drug Trade

An inquiry on Bilibid Drug Trade done ‘In aid of Legislation’ which means to help the legislators create laws in support of altering the existing condition of the prison system in the country and  NOT ‘of prosecution’ that is why most of the resource persons (esp. convicted drug personalities) were given immunity – whatever they have to reveal will not be used against them in court.

The recently concluded House Committee Hearing on Bilibid Drug Trade has yielded the REALITY behind drug proliferation in our country.  Summing it up:

Leniently manning the Authoritative Posts in running and supervising the National Prison (specifically Bilibid) has made drug trade inevitably existing mainly from the prisons as source point of transactions in the whole country. 

It was also concluded that Chinese Drug Lords are the main suppliers – finding out about floating drug laboratories in ships on sea dropping it off in large sealed heavy enough to sink containers to be fished-out by direct traders therein, it does not pass the scrutinizing of port authorities to be freely circulating around the country. What a wise tactic!

- Corruption in the System
Jayvee Sebastian, who is convicted of another case than drug-related was believed to be the latest frontrunner of the Drug Trade admittedly stated that the main culprit of the drug menace in the country is CORRUPTION from the lowest to the highest in ranks of the supposedly security guardians as well as administrative officials that instead of catching them while trading drugs had become their cohorts getting ‘payola’ bribe.

- Greed and Dirty Politics                       
National Bilibid Prison (NBP) is under the supervision of the Department of Justice, 

direct management of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCorr) with the intervention of National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and Crime Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG).  If these government agencies will be headed by unscrupulous people like what has allegedly happened during De Lima’s tenure as DOJ Secretary, the result is WORST – like where we are in right now.
- Connivance of Authorities
If there is no connivance anything would not be possible, there will always be the stop point but it is not hindered even by the Department of Justice.
It all boils down to corruption.

Generated Solutions

Signal Jammer
Because it was discovered that cellular phones can be brought-in secretly in many ways you can not imagine – in a slipper a whole cut beneath its back to fit the phone is really badly creative. DOJ Sec. Vitaliano Aguirre mentioned the recent acquisition of a costly but more powerful jammer.  The only setback is its effect on the surrounding community outside prison area - affecting phone signal.

Do Not Throw the Bikes, Please

I have watched a documentary showing Japan’s and US problem on disposing bicycles.  See these videos showing what I am telling you.

Abandoned Bikes in Japan by Softypapa

I hope Japan can see the children in the rural areas in the country who are walking kilometers a day just to go to school when they are just throwing bicycles. I learned from the documentary that Japan citizens are abandoning bicycles in the train stations not wanting to pay for garbage collectors that impose separate fine for junked bikes. Contrary to that disposal, those bicycles sell like hotcakes in Japan Surplus shops around the country especially the folding bikes that is very compact to carry around in your car.

Our Favorite Wafer Stick

My daughters Angel and Riana loves chocolate wafer stick. I buy them in canister, worth PhP 110.00 (US $ 4-50. But I always remind them not to munch on excessively because two among the widespread market brands are really sweet.

I never thought that there is this really super-delicious brand that can capture even an adult taste bud – would you believe that this wafer stick cutlets become one of the CAUSES for me and my daughters bonding moments?! I usually do not mind them consuming all the wafer sticks I bought but NOW, they have to divide the contents in three (that includes me!).