Reaction on Marcos' Burial

First of all, I respect the claiming victims of the Martial Law.  But above it, I respect the decision of the -Supreme Court.  We have the SC to settle issues that matter to our country that are deemed to be irresolvable by the lower courts or even issues that may put the people’s trust in the existing government in peril.

Being sensationalized are the victims who are said to be tortured during captivity, this is not to imply anything bad – BUT where are they when arrested for questioning? Are not they in the middle of protests (that most of the times become violently aggressive?). These testimonies had instill hatred and caused many of our fellow Pinoys rushing in the streets to rally, we can not also discount the social media reactions.

Our country is democratic, everyJuan can be heard.  BUT, democracy became boundless, unrespectable of the Government. The ones who threaten governance and incite sedition destabilize the country which has riffling effect in the economy.  BUT STILL, there is no license given to authorities to abduct, torture or murder implicated suspects. It is saddening to hear the unfortunate stories.

‘Libingan ng mga Bayani’ (Heroes’ Cemetery) is known to be the burial site of those who died in government service – soldiers, cops, and even former Presidents.  There is no requirements like medals, list of accomplishments needed to qualify as prescribed by the Law, no wonder why the Supreme Court favored Marcos Burial.

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The once given to the former President can not be called ‘Heroes Burial’, he was just accorded based on his former rank in government. What is circulating around are just personal assumptions hearing that former President FE Marcos is buried in a cemetery with ‘HERO’ on its name (‘Libingan ng mga Bayani’ is ‘Heroes’ Cemetery’ in English). Why had most of the protesters had taken the cemetery’s name heartily? We have heard of a legislator who suggested to RENAME the cemetery – just to give justice (?!) to both sides and to stop the nonsense clamor this issue has brought to the nation, the international community is seeing it on the news.  This can hamper our economy, even the personal lives of these people who are spending time they could have spent at work or with their families.

Burying a former President in LNB did not change History BUT the literal burial address, let us grow-up.  If you are an educator, do not teach little children to protest, they have no clear picture of it and they can only be influenced by anybody who wants to inject ideas on them. They still do not have convictions of their own – I was distraught seeing on the NEWS elementary students of a private school protesting (either the teacher wanted to be seen on tv or she just wanted a rest day of teaching?!).

Who had started the MYTH that burying Marcos in LNB changes History?! That is exaggerated.  Nothing changes but the MERE BURIAL ADDRESS!  History is called such because it is in the PAST.  Where or in what dictionary or encyclopedia that the word ‘history’ is defined as ‘present’?! How can History already written in the books and instilled in the minds of the people may be changed in a wink of an eye by the present situation when it has passed? Are they nuts?! We are not in the movie where we can adventurously go back to the past.  Spelling PAST and PRESENT is totally different – what more their MEANING?! The facts remain the same ONLY the burial itself is NEW. What we do today will just be PART of History tomorrow. It does NOT have the POWER to INFLUENCE what has happened in the past. What will be added to Philippine History in the future? Marcos was buried in LNB that date, NO MORE. He did not become a hero nor erases his bad or good deeds either. He was just a former President of the Republic.

If anyJuan is thinking he was disgraced, I empathize with you ( I am trying to put myself in your shoes) – BUT you get even counting the twenty-seven (27) years the bereaved family had suffered on not having peace of mind while not fulfilling the former’s LAST WISH and the ‘corpse’ had waited. I doubt if it can still be called a corpse when it was already CURED of years of Formalin (if I am not mistaken). The netizens even doubted what was inside the keg, not being familiar with the casket’s shape even used in Dracula movies abroad (nasanay lang po tayo sa rectangular-shaped coffin) wherein the head and feet areas are narrower than the body area. Such nasty comments guessing what is inside the coffin – do you think it made the Marcoses happy? What more? The controversy and the humiliation and name-callings (thief etc.) Marcos’ family was put into after the clandestine burial. Is it not enough? I think the Marcoses’ agony is more than what every human being can perceive tsk tsk
Are we showing the world that we, Filipinos, are being childish of asking to unbury a corpse – walang kalaban-laban yan.  Hindi na niya mararamdaman ang ganti mo…I can not blame Mr. Andanar of his personal opinion – it is reasonable. And knowing the system here, MAYBE the opposition has taken sides with the protesters fueling the issue and blaming the President for keeping what he knows about the burial day.  Only now, I lose trust on VP Leni, why? Because she haphazardly commented on the issue knowing the personal dispute between her and Bongbong would have made her opinion biased. It says (if I did not get it wrong)she does not favor the burial and that the president had become a traitor (?!) for that, for respecting other’s wish of keeping it secret?! This is due to the fact that media saw wreath from the President during the Burial. I am not here to stand for the President, are you not supposing that the President has personal assistants assigned to look after matters like sending flowers on the wake of every famous person in government like what is also seen during Defensor-Santiago’s wake? Kindness like it, may not need approval from Pres. Duterte.

Somehow, after hearing all the negatives everywhere – I think there are still more reasons to thank the former President for giving us Heart & Lung Center (that helped cure many),Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), LRT (gave us convenience), San Juanico Bridge (no other president has duplicated the floating bridge), other road projects and infrastructures that emerged during his administration.
I have read Mocha Uson’s comment too, clever she is. That how come that this so-called Christian country opposes the idea of FORGIVENESS?!  Even some of the priests meddle on the issue.  She may have projected herself in some way many people would not like, but I think she has unbiased opinion on the issue.

Let us not be narrow-minded even suing the policemen who had only performed their duty on protecting every Pinoy who needs security – maaatim mong kasuhan at ipa-tanggal sa serbisyo ang napakaraming pulis at mawalan ng pagkukunan ang mga pamilya nila dahil lamang sa tinupad nila ang tawag ng tungkulin?! Hindi ka naman malupit niyan?! Minatamis kong sabihin ito sa wika natin spagkat mas madamdamin itong bigkasin.

They are implying that the police escorts are sent by MalacaƱang when the interviews with NCRPO Chief Albayalde tells that the PNP has given into the wish of those who want to be kept safe being citizens of the country – and the Marcos family is not an exemption, they may have given the same to anybody else especially high profile individuals – the Marcoses are all in Politics and it is evident that many opposes the  burial idea that is why some violent reactions may be expected.  Before anyone gets hurt, considering there are children in the family who were at the burial – the PNP chose to secure them and follow their wishes of keeping the event in secret.

For me, it does not mean that we CONDONE any wrongdoing Ferdinand Edralin Marcos might have committed – it is just literal BURYING a corpse that when still alive had wished to be buried in the right place.  Even more, he is more celebrated being preserved in a mausoleum in his hometown, because tourists are wanting to glance on him – he is praised being there than inside a tomb. If you never wanted him to get those praises and his face be enshrined in the hearts of the visitors, you really would not mind him be buried.

Are we not going to protest Rizal’s Burial because he was not buried in LNB, the RIGHT PLACE FOR HEROES?! How about former president MLQuezon (who had wisely built a monument for his resting place- who is also entitled to be buried in LNB) – I mean these personalities are deserving to be there compared to others BUT they are kept on their burial places because of personal wish as for Quezon and because of History as for Dr. Rizal – knowing we are thankful of his contribution for our National Independence and that in that place that was then called Bagumbayan or Luneta he was executed fighting for his patriotic idealism and deeds. This all boils down to – everyJuan’s OWN perception if whether we consider anyone a HERO or NOT AND NOT BECAUSE he was buried in a memorial place called ‘Libingan ng mga Bayani’.

Your comments are all welcome. EveryJuan is entitled to his own opinion as well as I am. You may tell the world of your conviction regarding the issue. Hindi mali ang opinion mo, kababayan ko.

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