Do Not Throw the Bikes, Please

I have watched a documentary showing Japan’s and US problem on disposing bicycles.  See these videos showing what I am telling you.

Abandoned Bikes in Japan by Softypapa

I hope Japan can see the children in the rural areas in the country who are walking kilometers a day just to go to school when they are just throwing bicycles. I learned from the documentary that Japan citizens are abandoning bicycles in the train stations not wanting to pay for garbage collectors that impose separate fine for junked bikes. Contrary to that disposal, those bicycles sell like hotcakes in Japan Surplus shops around the country especially the folding bikes that is very compact to carry around in your car.

If the Japan Government is not aware of how much the junk is selling here – it costs PhP 3-4,000 (approximately a hundred dollars) here – a month’s salary for a house helper/maid here which is not really affordable for the masses and those needy children in the provinces that can not even pay for a decent lunch or even slippers at all.

If they got problems on disposing it why not donate it to the needy?! Not only children but also fathers who work as construction laborers or anybody who does not have enough resources to augment daily transportation expenses, you can imagine the plight of blue collar workers (sales persons, carpenters, masons etc. who only earn slightly higher than a hundred-peso on a very tiring day, less the food and transportation expenses, the net income will never ever meet the needs of their family. The salary will just be intended to pay lending institutions. The bikes Japan will donate can give relief to the needy.  I hope this can reach the authorities. Yours truly is a penniless philanthropist – I hope this post can help many.

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