Our Favorite Wafer Stick

My daughters Angel and Riana loves chocolate wafer stick. I buy them in canister, worth PhP 110.00 (US $ 4-50. But I always remind them not to munch on excessively because two among the widespread market brands are really sweet.

I never thought that there is this really super-delicious brand that can capture even an adult taste bud – would you believe that this wafer stick cutlets become one of the CAUSES for me and my daughters bonding moments?! I usually do not mind them consuming all the wafer sticks I bought but NOW, they have to divide the contents in three (that includes me!).

Believe me, you got to try this, the wafer is crunchy and the chocolate is heavenly – moderate sweetness and tastes like heaven…not the usual chocolate around for a cheap price. I wonder why the manufacturer did not make whole wafer sticks because I can eat thirty pieces of it a day!

Friends, try this and it really tastes better than St---, Champ--- etc.

Comment back after you find out.  Not a sponsored post. An honest personal endorsement.

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