Reaction on Arbitration Court's Verdict on West Philippine Sea

International Arbitration Court Ruling favors the Philippines’ claim on the (West Philippine Sea) Scarborough Shoal.

According to DLSU professor Richard Heydarian on Foreign Affairs/Economic Analyst the verdict of the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal is binding – especially to the members of the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on Laws of the Seas). Philippines and China are among the consenting signatory members.

Why Relationships Do Not Last?

Years of being married, meeting different (in terms of social status regardless of religion) married couples, sweethearts from different places I had been, I had theorized this conclusion why couples fall apart.

Although MOST of these observations apply on married couples, still some can also be for sweethearts:


Immaturity is synonymous to ‘being childish’.  Encyclopedia and Dictionary’s take on it are as follow:

Being immature, one acts like a child being INSENSITIVE of the other’s feelings.  It may manifest in actions and in verbal confrontation.

-Examples of Insensitive Actions:
1. Coming home late without notice of whereabouts with phone off.
Husbands are mostly guilty of this.  The wife is just a phone call or eve a text message away.  If you have unexpected appointments after office that you have not mentioned to your spouse, take seconds to let her know. That precious seconds will save her from the agony of waiting at home worrying about you or getting hungry waiting for her eating companion.  Being a lady, I know how we can feel secure and this counts a lot if you do AND lessens the chances of fighting.

2. Literally pulling-out a pillow from the partner’s head while sleeping.
Funny and foolish, though this happens.

3. Deviating from the old ways
Sometimes it is better NOT TO BE sweet and thoughtful if you can not STAND or KEEP it that way for as long as the relationship exists. It results to lesser expectations, lesser reasons to be sad or to ponder about. 

How to Put TEXT on Pictures

First, you have to install Adobe Photoshop CS3/6 or higher version in your laptop or PC, I recommend free software apps  from Softonic, google (synonymous to ‘search’), it.

Open the application. 

Important Option:
If you wanted to set the image size before you start, go to toolbars, click ‘IMAGE’ then on the dropdown menu choose ‘IMAGE SIZE’ then proceed to ‘DOCUMENT SIZE.  The common values for images (available on Photo-developing Studios) are:

Landscape mode:
2 x 3 inches (3R photo size)
5 x 7 inches
8 x 10 inches

Just interchange the width and height sizes per inch to work for a ‘Portrait’ orientation photo. This is important as NOT to distort image upon developing if your desired size is not met for the photo

1. Go to the toolbars on TOP and click ‘FILE’ then choose ‘OPEN’. Browse on the image/picture you wanted to modify. 

Parenting the Envious Child

Turning Your Child’s Envious Attitude to the Positive Side

The past few days you have noticed your child has been speaking of a friend’s or a classmates achievements, new stuff and the like with an air of annoyance. One or two times, it may be a product of the child’s immaturity but more than, you should be worried that she may grow with it – the green cancer.  No worries, is it but normal to have such a crisis in a child’s life, my elder daughter has exhibited such too.

The Attitude Detection

When Angel was two or three years old I noticed that she frowned (means she never liked it) whenever I praised somebody else aside from her, even the children performing on tv shows, whew!  I knew that it may not come out from envy but maybe plain jealousy knowing her age.  I began telling her in a calm manner that she need not feel like that because she, her friend or that girl on tv can ALL BE beautiful, smart or witty at the same time – there is no need to choose or knock the other out. There is no competition at all.

Reaction Paper on Duterte's Inaugural Speech Plus

Editorial on President Duterte’s  Inaugural Speech

As Mayor Rody’s wish of a simple celebration, MalacaƱan Palace (Official Seat of the Philippine Gov’t.) is so simple but heartfelt. Fifteen, ten, five minutes until finally the clock turns twelve noon (12:00) on June 30, 2016 – President Rodrigo Roa Duterte took his oath as the 16th president of the Republic. 

I am among those who have too much anticipation on his upcoming leadership. Congratulations President  ‘Mayor’, as he wanted to be called.

On his inaugural speech, President Duterte has remained as humble as he is. He instill in the minds of our fellow-countrymen (as well as the spectators worldwide) who is watching this turning point in the history that there is no successful leadership without good followers – that the ‘BIG CHANGE’  we may expect would not come from his work alone  BUT with the help of every citizen, it is a combined efforts.  I like what he said that change must come within us and in us – reading between the lines, he meant humility not attributing any future success in leading the country to himself alone  but to everybody.  He restated the reason why the electorate has placed him in the position – the thirst for a TRUE and meaningful change. I honestly believe it, the electorate did not vote for the ‘saint image’ candidate.  

Reaction: President Duterte's Interviews & Speeches Prior to MalacaƱang Inauguration

As of June 2, 2016

The reason for his non-appearance in the inauguration of his Presidency in Manila is brought about by the 'work' that people elected him for.  Travelling just to take an oath wastes his time (it is just formality and media should not make it a BIG ISSUE even provoking public attention - on saying that the President should have paid gratitude to the 16M voters) as he also said when he could have spent it doing the job he will get paid for and among those is ironing-out his cabinet officials. 

The Filipinos, we, are not easily-provoked and we always want to hear explanation, knowing what the President is up to in Davao excuses him from the inauguration. For him, paying gratitude is not just raising his hand for an oath BUT all the more performing his tasks as the head of the country. That kind of person in him is what makes him endearing to the public- his being practical and down-to-earth.  

Everybody who have been chosen as cabinet secretaries are just wearing plain clothes as simple as the President. No flashy, expensive Barongs and extravagant celebration/ceremony.  All were just sitting in monoblocks .  It looks like a good start.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Family, Daily Living & Style by Angelita Galiza-Madera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.