English Lesson III : Agreement of Subject and Predicate (Verb)

In order for us to construct an English sentence correctly, we must consider the agreement of the subject (usually a noun or pronoun) and the predicate (verb).

A singular subject agrees with a singular predicate .  Also a plural subject (noun/pronoun) agrees with a plural predicate (verb).

Before we proceed on learning the structure, we have to understand  first how noun/pronouns and verbs form their plural.

Learning English is just a continuing process - the lessons from the earlier grade levels are somehow the same but became a little complicated as the level goes up.  It is  a MUST to know the BASIC foundation to be able to adapt in the progress.

Unleash Your Child's Potential II: Singing/Dancing/Acting

Here is the sequel to my recent post (Unleash Your Child's Potential: Drawings/Artworks )on helping your child polish inner talents/skills.  

Angel Reign
Won the Title and "Best in Talent "
and other Special Awards

Equip your child/children with the necessary tools to get her started:
  • First, get the necessary equipment to do it.
  • Buy professional microphone (I recommend Shure or Sony Brands - look for the Dynamic Supercardioid mic for noise reduction)
  • Must also have quite good speakers and amplifier
  • Mini-home theater will do. Make sure there is a USB port for practicality. 
  • You can download karaoke songs from the internet for FREE.
  • Sometimes wireless mic is better but most are not rechargeable
  • In dancing, comfortable shoes and clothes
  • Lapel mic for acting

Kids' Fashion : Sunday Dress

Here is my six-year old wearing her Sunday dress.  The attire is buttoned in the middle, with two straps at the back for a ribbon. 

My "baby buns"...

Every time she is wearing this we call her Dr. Baby -  I still call her baby, I did not notice she is growing-up or I just ignored it :)?!  She looks good for the occasion. The dress is a printed corduroy from a famous brand with her ballet golden-glittered shoes.  Her gemstone hairband complement the dress..I really like her wearing this and everybody who sees her is remarking she is cute...of course the mom in me is very proud of her.

Reaction Paper: Germanwings Airbus 320 (Flight 9525) Plane Crash

The world is grieving with the families of the 150 passengers of the Germanwings Flight 9525  that crashed into French Alps last Tuesday (US time). 

All sorts of speculations have been circulating - there is this theory that the German co-pilot must be suicidal ISIS member, he must be mentally-ill or he is just suffering from a heartache.  The scariest of all the presumptions is that it was brought about by a medicine-related side-effect, suicidal effect!

How to Keep Fresh Vegetables for Longer Use

Being a mom, I do the buying of fruits and vegetables for our week's menu plan. There are sometimes two recipes that both need the same leafy vegetables as an ingredient.  Like the Pechay Baguio (Bokchoi's relative), I used the half portion for the viand Nilaga say on Monday and the other half will be for the Sopas on Sunday is remaining.  If just put on top of the table, it will only attract fruit flies and humidity  because of the weather, will wither its freshness. 

Leftover Fresh Vegetable

How to Keep Leftover Biscuits Crispy

Children often have snack leftovers and if you don't have a vacuum or air-tight container it will just turn brittle after minutes or hours of waiting till the little guys are hungry and be back to look for it again.  Before they lose their appetite chewing the not so crispy and not so yummy biscuits here's a way to keep it crisp like it was when you first open its packaging.

Leftover Biscuit


Sunset in Hondagua
Tempest by the Sea

Amid the darkness

of the night in a deep blue sea

I sail across the pathway

of an endless trip.

Aasa pa ba o "Move on" na ?!

Ang artikulong ito ay para sa mga umiibig na hindi o hindi pa nasusuklian ang pag-ibig.  Paano ba natin susukatin ang mga sirkumstansiya kung dapat pa ba tayong maghintay o hindi na?  Narito ang ilang paalala na maari nating gawing sukatan sa ikabubuti ng lahat at sa pag-iwas sa mas matinding kasawian:

My brother as a "model" here
on my post haha "Bunso, wala ako mailagay
na image na bagay dito"

1.  Available pa ba siya o taken na?

Ito ang siyang dapat nating pangunahing ikonsidera. Baka naman siyang nilalangit mo ay pag-aari na nang iba? May nobya na ohindi kaya ay asawa pa!? Kahit sino ayaw lumabas na kontrabida sa tunay na buhay. Kaiinisan hindi lamang ng taong aagawan  kundi maging ng mga tao sa paligid lalo na yaong mga nagmamahal dun sa magkarelasyong binabantaan mong mawasakin.  Higit sa lahat magkakasala ka kung siya ay may-asawa na. Huwag kang pumayag matawag na homewrecker...

The Importance of Strong Family Ties

I am meeting a lot of people in all the places we have been.  I usually get-to-know those who have aged alone - as in NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) or those who have settled down at the right age (mid-20s) and the ones who get hooked early as in "have a family at a younger age".  I am somehow (without them knowing) curious and observing, trying to find answers what led them  to live that way.

Growing old alone is not the best thing for anybody BUT it is not the worst for sure.  I saw the most unlikely situations in those who have had children at an early age.

Mama, my brother Jay-ar and my daughters

One thing I noticed with the families of those who have aged alone is that, they seemed content with their families. Their parents and siblings are very affectionate and they seemed to have an open-communication.  Those families are somewhat like a "barkada" or peer group but still respecting the parents.  

Warming Rice in a Rice Cooker

Before, I get trouble washing the rice cooker pot because of toasted rice sticking stubbornly inside.  I had to submerge the pot in water for longer time to soften it for me to be able to wash it thoroughly. Besides, heating the rice on a pan, you will need to use oil unless you have a stoneware or other nonstick pan - not so healthy and if fried with garlic does not go well with soupy dishes unlike the steamed.

Unleash Your Child's Potential I : Artworks/Drawings

As soon as children age four, their inclination shows. Would you believe, my Angel Reign has shown her dancing prowess as early as she is just one year old - she danced while sitting (not yet walking expertly) hearing the bumps of a spoon in a cup while I am mixing my coffee. She is indeed a good dancer  as commented by her teachers and later on I discovered she can sing too. But mostly their other talents manifest when they can stand firmly or hold objects like pencil steadily. My Riana Ysobel showed hers when she is four.  She love to draw. In fact, I kept her drawings since then and it is more than a box now, I am really having trouble finding blank papers for her to draw on, she never stops asking till you give her :)

Riana Ysobel's "Our Family : Potato Version"
That's me her, her sister, and dad :)
Riana Ysobel

Tips to hone your child's potential:

If the day does not end without her drawing the family, house, the cat even just anything she has in her imagination, that is a hint she loves what her doing.  Here's how you can help her:

My Top 5 Best Studying Habits

Looking for ways to pass the final exams?  Stressed on memorizing lots of details especially on enumerations? I have here some well-tested tips I used during high school and college. I also taught my daughters these techniques,and it worked! 

Loom Band Frenzy

Angel Reign's  loom band works

My daughter, Angel Reign, has fancied loom bands since she first saw it on national tv with a celebrity's daughter showing it.

Angel Reign is always wanting to video her loom-band making and post it on Youtube.  I told her to wait till I buy her a box of bands :)

The bands are as elastic as it is - it can be made into different things, your imagination is the limit.  If you are going to search the net, you will find different things made from the world-famous loom bands as odd as a mini-dress for real-life human.

Teens' Notebook: Telltale Signs of Being In-love

Confused on what you are feeling? Having passed the teenage years, I have gone through the stage of being in-love for the first time. 

My  daughters' (Angel & Riana) art work

Here are tell-tale signs you might be in-love:

Choosing a Course to Pursue in College?

Hi, March is the "marching" month here in my country, but this post will be helpful to every student around the globe. I can hear talks about the upcoming graduation and what concerns everybody the most is the choice of career, not only students but their parents are also thinking about it.  I have here some useful reminders and some suggestions along...

Factors that MUST be considered are:

Life-saving Android App Link

Hi! Here is another useful app I recommend to you dear followers.  It is an app written and edited by MDs.  It can be useful anytime because it is in OFFLINE mode.

It is a First Aid Guide.  The conditions are listed by nature for easy searching.  It has symptoms and signs checkers.  Reviews 1200+ recommends it in Google+ and 975 people reviewed it and graded 5/5. 

Must-taste Filipino Foods

My most favorite Filipino food/drinks with my 99.9% recommendation :


Yes, only here in the Philippines that pork is barbecued in whole, as in "whole" from foot to head...the internal organs are but  removed.

Before, the pig is grilled "as is" but nowadays my fellow-Filipinos have invented different recipes to cook Lechon.  Others stuff it with lemon grass and rub some herbs on its skin...others bath it in coconut water or wine.  The traditional Pinoys cook it with just salt and vetsin or  msg (monosodium glutamate).  

Pinoy Pride's Lechon 

Reaction Paper: Why Not a Standard Curriculum for College Courses Nationwide?

There are times in our lives that we have to move from one place to another and if you are in College, you have to gone through this experience as mine.  I was wondering all my life why is not there a standard curriculum everywhere in the country for college courses? I had to brought this up because of  what it made me and this is a prevalent issue in the  country's education system today.

How to Fold Undies Neatly

Organizing your children's underwear drawers by category will be a lot neater if folded neatly.  One of the hardest to fold are panties. I learned this technique from my mom (the credit is hers) and I wanted to share it to those who do not know how to do it yet.  

This is the folded underwear (to show the front design print,
it must be folded with its back laying down on the surface)

Here is how you do it.

Kids' Classic Fashion: Capri Pants and Long Shirt

My daughter Riana who's only four years old in this photo, is wearing a denim-style semi-cotton/elastic pants and a long medium-tight shirt to cover her behind and a pink rubber shoes:

My Daughter Riana: Casual "Mall Strolling Look"
(See the hairband and shoes and tights "match")

International Women's Day: A Tribute to Women of Today

Women are NO longer "ornaments" that adorn the corners of every home. They have played a more vital role in the society today with their inventions, convictions and decisions they made. 

I salute every woman who strive to make a difference and look at herself no different from a man on abilities and skills.

Today, 8th of March (Philippine Time) is the "International Women's Day". Woman, whether you are a grandmother, a mother, a friend, girlfriend, sister, fiance, widow, as long as you have "womb" , you are a woman indeed!

Math Aid: Lesson II Addition (Elem.)

This is the technique I taught my two dearest daughters Angel and Riana in adding numbers quickly.  My younger daughter Riana Ysobel had their exams this morning, I reviewed her in Math and that is why I remember to share this EASY technique I have accidentally learned to you. I wanted to ease your child’s “addition” too :)

Product Review

Product Review @ FamDaiLivStyle?  

Day by day readers and followers are adding to Family,  Daily Living & Style, the visitors are kept on coming.  The site has just been around for four months on air having that bulk of visitors and followers on G+ is just quite good.

You might want to advertise your products and/or services with me. FamDaiLivStyle is now accepting products for review. Here is how:

Contact email: 
momanjgm@gmail.com or  apgm2008@yahoo.com

General Policy

All products shall be shipped for review are considered FREE of charge as well as the freight (shouldered by the Manufacturer/seller).

All products must be sealed with complete product catalog and accessories needed to test the item.  FamDaiLivStyle and the owner shall not be held responsible in case of the product's lost in transit.

                                                                                     Angelita P. Galiza - Madera

Reaction Paper: Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)

Bangsamoro came from the words: Bansang Moro. I have watched an interview (The Bottomline with Boy Abunda) of ANAK Mindanao Party List Representative Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman (wife of ARMM Governor) - she said that even before the Spanish and American colonizers came to the Philippines they are a "a nation" on their own. They are even entering "Treaties" with other countries without the knowledge or permission of the Philippine Government. That somehow explains to us why the Moros (Muslim inhabitants of the Philippines) in our country are in a struggle to retain the government  of their own.

Being a Christian I can not fully understand their culture and beliefs, as well as the the Central Government MAY not- that is why the Aquino government is convinced that we must let them govern their own land and people with respect to that religious beliefs and culture.  It is always practical to elect a leader that knows his constituents very well - and most of the times, among them; like in the Muslim territory, a natural born Moro.

Transparent Screen Android App

Hi everyone! I have discovered a new HELPFUL app again.  It is the transparent screen application.

Possible uses:

Android App Link : Do You Want a "Look Famous" Photo Frame?

Hi, I found this android phone app CERTIFIED nice!  I wanted to share it with you.  You can put photo on the frames and make it your phone, PC, laptop , or social network background..or you can share to friends who love to share photos on Instagram, G+ or fb...

"Compliment" versus "Complement"

Here is another set of most commonly interchanged words. Both words have the same spelling except on their sixth (6th) letter of each - "i" and "e".