Choosing a Course to Pursue in College?

Hi, March is the "marching" month here in my country, but this post will be helpful to every student around the globe. I can hear talks about the upcoming graduation and what concerns everybody the most is the choice of career, not only students but their parents are also thinking about it.  I have here some useful reminders and some suggestions along...

Factors that MUST be considered are:

#1 Educational Fund/Parent's Budget

Yes, this is of primary consideration.  However you choose if you do not have the budget to fund the study and the accompanying costs (like for projects, laboratory equipment and the like) of the course, I do not think it will work for you.  Why? You will end-up stressed on sourcing funds to support your schooling and there may be times that you can not enter the examination room because you are not yet paid with the school fees.

BUT, if you are desperate enough to take that expensive Aviation, Medicine or Culinary course (shouldering the ingredients of every recipe) in that prestigious university might as well try these solutions:

- scholarship grants for tuition or allowance may help, it depends on the applicant's grades.  Although politicians offer scholarship for families who are earning below some given wage ceiling with not too high expectations on general average of a student's grade.

- Try to look for a  student assistant job in the University you wanted to enroll in.  Better,  as a library assistant - lesser load of duties or responsibilities and most importantly the workplace (library) is suitable for reviewing (yes, it is possible to review unlike in College Department Offices, for sure lots of paper works awaits you). But if no choice at all, if you are sure you can handle pressure enough, grab that vacancy - it is sometimes equivalent to the full tuition fee of the course until it is finished.

I am not suggesting a pessimistic view of it but being realistic, you might end-up with failing grades if you do not have much time at all to review your lessons. As I said, if you can not handle pressure calmly, do not dare to try.

-Graduating valedictorians,  usually are given full-tuition scholarships and half for high school salutatorians. Reaching the top posts in secondary education is half the success in your chosen career having those automatic grants (that is how it is here in the Philippines).

#2 Interest

It is somewhat similar in working, if you love what you do - it will not be a job at all to you, just like a hobby you enjoy... studying will not be stressful and  efforts are more focused, no negative feelings and thinking that could drastically influence the outcome of  learning.  This is a good advise for parents.  We may give options but the final decision must be from the student.

#3 Work/Job Opportunities After Graduation

Aside from the two above, BEST to consider is the job opportunities after five-seven years of studying.  The in-demand vacant job positions today may not be that needed "tomorrow" after finishing the course.  The graduates ahead may fill-in the vacancies right after their graduation, no more room or lesser chances of employment on your target date.

I would suggest the "classic" courses, I called it classic because they never run out of trend:

- Accountancy
Every company -be it Hospitals, Banks, Schools, Government agencies, Department Stores, Airlines; name it they all have an Accounting Staff or Bookkeeper. And if you have passed the CPA(Certified Public Accountant) Board,  a lot of companies will pay you for external auditing much more than a monthly pay for  an ordinary employee.  That is sideline that works! Freelancing or establishing an Accounting Firm is possible in the future too.  Same is true with business courses.  The disadvantage is that most are four-five years study, longer duration.

- Information Technology (IT) Courses/Computer Courses
The world is getting high-tech each second. This is a very promising course to pursue, lots of opportunities in the workplace and even at the comfort of your own home.  Much cheaper in tuition and courses and students may opt for  Certificate Programs for shorter studies and can be continued to Diploma courses - ladderized study.  Say you finish two years you can land for a job with your certificate and after saving you can continue from where you have left, already in the third year of the course.

- Food and Drug Industry-related Courses
Food Chemists are very few, many food manufacturing companies are in need of them.  I even hear of some paying the students tuition plus allowance, right after graduation you are stamped: HIRED.

- Pharmacy Course
Pharmacist, as I have observed, are also lacking that is why maybe some Drugstores post a "Scholarship Grant Plus a HIRING Package" to any HS graduate who would like to pursue the course.

If planning to work abroad, research for in-demand jobs in  the country of your choice. Demands may vary from country to country especially if they have enough labor force available within.  And the time-frame must be involved in your search; the year of your graduation.

I am planning to tackle and explain some rewarding college courses that are not so familiar to us.  I will do my assignment first, make some researches and consolidate them to give you valid information.

I hope I have given you some insights on the three most important things to consider in choosing your career in the future. Thanks for dropping by, please come back for more.

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