Math Aid: Lesson II Addition (Elem.)

This is the technique I taught my two dearest daughters Angel and Riana in adding numbers quickly.  My younger daughter Riana Ysobel had their exams this morning, I reviewed her in Math and that is why I remember to share this EASY technique I have accidentally learned to you. I wanted to ease your child’s “addition” too :)

The Technique Explained:

Using both hands in adding  two sets of numbers from digits 6 to 9 which the grade schools, our children, find really really hard to sum-up.

I came-up with a technique, five fingers (5) from each number added are folded therefore automatically reserving 10 as the final addend to easily add with the remaining “standing” fingers. It is easier to add the leftovers, this is helpful for kindergarten and elementary students.

The Tool:

Both hands' fingers alone J

Let us try this:


1.      Let your child demonstrate "8" in her hands  like this:

My six-year old's hands :)
2.     Ask her to fold 5 of her fingers and let the remaining fingers standing on her left hand.  It must show 3 fingers left standing, leftovers.

folded five fingers, left hand

3 leftovers left hand

3.     Ask her to show 7 in her fingers.  Then ask her to fold 5 of it and let the remaining ones standing on her right hand, it must show 2 leftovers.


Folded "5" from given addend "7"

                                            2 leftover from 7 (5 folded)                                             
4.     Then ask her to count together both of the leftovers from each hand.  It shows 3 and 2, so its total is the 10 (sum of two 5’s from each given addends she folded). Speak of the sums five-ten, then tell her there is no five-ten in counting so the answer is FIFTEEN.

              Let your child count together
         the leftovers, that is "5".
The folded "10", the sum of
folded 5's from 8 and 7


My six-year old, modesty aside, just by looking using this technique she easily gets it is 15.  I am telling her five-ten – there is no five-ten –but fifteen. She knows it should be fifteen.  The added trick is connecting the sums to the right answer by using a rhyme.

Here is another example:

 Like when adding 7 and 7 =  14

Folding from each given numbers, each digit will both have  2 leftovers of each –when added results to 4. Having the folded , 10 is the total of folded from each. Spoken together is four-ten sounds similar to  FOURTEEN , the correct answer.

Let each leftover be represented by each (in the example above, 2 fingers standing from each) hand so she can easily add or count it together or see the answer just by looking i.e.  “4” and the “10” folded = four-ten (of course that is wrong) but hearing that when she uttered it, she immediately connects it to the right answer which should be fourteen (rhymes with four-ten, the sums).  That is why I am asking my child to speak the sum of the leftovers and the folded 10 fingers.

I hope you will soon learn about this and soon teach your child how to do it.  I hope too that more kids (like my daughters) will be happy to add numbers from now on…

Please plus, like, share, tweet and ask others to see so they too can help their kids in Math.  Have a great day everyone.  Thanks for reading and please come back for more.

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