English Lesson III : Agreement of Subject and Predicate (Verb)

In order for us to construct an English sentence correctly, we must consider the agreement of the subject (usually a noun or pronoun) and the predicate (verb).

A singular subject agrees with a singular predicate .  Also a plural subject (noun/pronoun) agrees with a plural predicate (verb).

Before we proceed on learning the structure, we have to understand  first how noun/pronouns and verbs form their plural.

Learning English is just a continuing process - the lessons from the earlier grade levels are somehow the same but became a little complicated as the level goes up.  It is  a MUST to know the BASIC foundation to be able to adapt in the progress.

Nouns (pangngalan) = refers to the name of persons, places, things, animals,events,emotions/feelings.


REGULAR Nouns form their plural by just adding  /-s/ or  /-es/.


view = views                        church = churches              
spinster = spinsters               box = boxes 

On the other hand, IRREGULAR Nouns  form their plural by changing their spelling. Among the most common are:

Nouns ending  in /-y/ 

Drops the "y" and change it to -ies.  It is most common in words with  two or more syllables. 


Two-syllable words:

party (par*ty) = parties
baby (ba*by) = babies

Three or more syllables  words:

industry (in*dus*try) = industries
tapestry (ta*pes*try) = tapestries
difficulty (dif*fi*cul*ty) = difficulties

There is an exception however on nouns ending in /-y/, BUT having only ONE syllable,  /-s/ is only added at the end of the words.


boy = toy
toy = boys
ploy = ploys

Nouns ending in /-ius/ or /-us/ form their plural by changing it to /-i/ :


radius = radii            alumnus = alumni
cactus = cacti            

Nouns ending in /-fe/ are changed to /-ves/


wife = wives
life = lives

But there is always an exception:

dwarf = dwarfs

Other nouns form their plural by changing /a/ to /e/ :


man = men
woman  = women
policeman = policemen
congressman = congressmen

Still other nouns form their plural by changing /-ouse/ to /-ice/


mouse = mice
louse = lice

Although blouse is an exception, /-s/  will just be added.

Change /-oo/ to /-ee/

goose = geese
tooth = teeth

Still other nouns:

child = children
ox = oxen


Verbs - are action words (pandiwa). Unlike nouns, verbs in plural form is without /s/ whilst singular verbs have /s/.

Let us now go to the sentence structure.  The agreement of subject (noun/pronoun) and predicate (verb/verbs). 

1. The woman (scout, scouts) for talents to perform in the upcoming theater act. 

We have chosen the s-form of the verb because our subject is woman - which is singular. That means we have to choose a verb in singular form.

2. The congressmen (convene, convenes) on the implementation of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) in the existing ARMM region.

We picked verb "convene" without an /s/ being our subject/noun (congressmen) is plural form that must agree with a plural verb.


Singular Pronouns:
He / She / It

Plural Pronouns:

"I" and "You", although at a glance may look singular, are always considered plural in the English language. And those two pronouns, may be use to denote many.  Like in example, if the class will speak in unison, "I" stands for all of the individuals in a class. "You" may also be used to refer to all of the members comprising the audience.

To remember it, we must note that in English, there is an unspoken rule in grammar that "what is good to hear" is the correct form.


1.  I (go,goes) to market twice a week.

"Go" is the correct form because of the consideration that "I" is always considered plural.

2.  You (shares, share) the same preferences on song choices.

"Share" became our choice applying "YOU" is always taken in the plural form.

The RULE is just  noun - verbs / nouns - verb , that means if the noun is without /s/ the verb must have /s/ and vice versa.

I hope to have somehow lighten your burden in understanding the agreement of subject and verb. And if this had helped you, please hit the plus button, pin it, re-share it and please come back for more.

Thanks for reading, have a great day everyone!

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