First Date Reviewer

What to do on your first date? Confuse on what to wear? Wear to go? Whose invitation to accept? How to act, etc? Here are some helpful tips for your first date :

1. Dress comfortably. Wear clothes that you can freely do what you need and want to do.

'Back to School' Parenting

Dispatching first-time schooler  is really a tough and huge challenge for parents who will also have their first child in school. This piece is all about dealing with the problems encountered on the VERY first day of your child in school.  How parents can be helpful with the children’s adjustment and some tips on school supplies , snacks and most especially communicating with your children the best way understandable to them making learning a great experience and that first school day motivating.

If you do not have much time reading this quite long article, just remember where you stopped and get back to it as soon as you have time again.  You might lose some important info if you are short of time.  Anyway all the articles are archived even the oldest one, just click “older posts” at the end of each topic you clicked-on shown on the right tool bar of this blog(Parenting, Tips, Current Issues etc.)

Talking to Your Child Makes a BIG Difference
Give her some briefing on what children do in school. Like saying something LIKE this…
-“You will just read, write and draw and even color, isn’t that exciting?!”

-Tell her the fun of learning. Remind her why children have to go to school. That she must not be afraid she does not know yet what they will be studying, tell her she is not the only one but all of her classmates.  And that is the reason why they have a TEACHER –to teach them.

-That it is enjoyable to meet some new friends , her  classmates. Remind  though that only during “break time or recess”, she can chat or play with them.

Tell your child of the:

Do’s and Don’ts’ while in School
-There is a time to snack on and to chat or play with classmates that the school and the teacher would allow.
Children can not chew bubble gum or eat their snacks while not yet break time.

-Wait for the teacher’s instructions on what to do.
 Teacher will say what she will need you to do, wait for her instruction when to get  crayons, pad paper, notebook or pencil.

-Be sure to familiarize her with the school supplies she got so she will not get confused.

-Children must listen while the teacher speaks.

The Truth about BBL Surveys

Why is it that surveys on Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) have resulted to greater percentage of disapproval?

I am not against any Survey Company especially the ones who are recognized for their honest exposé of opinion turnouts.  But all I have in mind is that, do you think these surveys represent the real opinion of our fellow-countrymen as a whole? Are those surveys conducted with those who really are familiar or have even a little knowledge of the issue? If YES, how sure are we really getting FAIR/UNBIASED answers?  There is no argument that they survey REAL people, BUT can we have the accurate proportion of the public who really are in-the-know of what BBL or other topics of great concern are all about?

If I will be asked of my opinion about something I really do not know about, I would rather abstain from giving my reply at the moment.  Being a responsible individual to myself and to others who want to get dignified answers in an issue – if they would insist I should share mine, I need to study and do some research beforehand (through the help of the real agencies, authorities who are knowledgeable of the subject matter I have to react on or even documents coming from trusted sources as my reference) observe around and watch discussions participated-in by individuals who are invited to speak as representatives of both sides of an issue. I can proudly say that I am not just basing my opinions from others’; I have mine with full integrity.

Accessorize and Feel Glamorous

Women can bring fashion sense to the next level by learning to accessorize. Accessories need not be that expensive, the design counts a lot, what it adds is not just the literal "ring", "bracelet", "necklace" or "brooch" - but an over-all impact of glamour, an elegance.

Here are some tips to consider in choosing accessories:

1. Pick unique ones, one-of-a-kind or not just seen or sold just anywhere.

This necklace is just a gift from my friend Roanna Cruz. I love this necklace so much not just because it has a sentimental value coming from a dear friend - this is very elegant. Made from a sea shell-Capiz (Windowpane Oyster), I seldom see accessories made from one that is making it special too. 

Capiz shell necklace

Your pick can be made  from any other different material like a necklace made from a genuine leather strap with a gem pendant or just a plain yarn string etc.

Sunday dress with the necklace...

Photos: Calauag, Quezon Province, Philippines

Dropping-by the Calauag Mini-port, I can not help but capture these images. I love taking photos and I want to share it to the world, with you...

Calauag,  Quezon Province

Mother's Day "Surprise" Cup

This coming Sunday, prepare mom's coffee, tea or chocolate with a "surprise". Very simple and easy to do...

Here is what you will need:

  A thin strip of colored paper 
  - even just a bond paper or stationery  will do
  - the width must not be larger than the bottom of the cup to hide it

 Colored pen
 - any writing instrument that is clear and thicker than a pen would be readable.

Mothers' Day Special Treats and Gift Ideas

Wondering how to "treat" mom on Mothers' Day? Gifts to give her? Do not stress yourself anymore, here are some suggestions you can select or start from, there must be one that fits you and your mom:

My very own thoughts about "Mother's Day"

Manny Pacquiao Won in Our Hearts

Image source:
The most awaited fight dubbed as the "Battle for Greatness" and "Fight of the Century" after the unexpected turn-out yesterday evening in Las Vegas has brought a lot of controversies from boxing fans all over. TV networks displayed various comments from netizens and celebrities that are still trending as of this moment.  And in my own opinion, I am not a sport fanatic but Manny is such an admirable person - his achievements, his wit, calmness, his very nice family and most of all his humility. I make it a point to have time watching his fights. Would you believe that in my country that traffic has always been the problem of motorists and commuters - on the day of the fight, "traffic" was lost in the dictionary! Yes, the roads and main thoroughfares are as clean as ever! And like in many other Pacquiao's previous fights, crime rates (robbery, hold-ups etc.) has nearly zeroed in police records. Even the villains are Manny's fans! Manny has positive effect on everyone. That is why the outcome of the fight is not so welcome with his millions of followers.  

I saw the fight, I saw how Mayweather moved away from Manny. I felt tired for Manny, he kept on chasing Mayweather inside the ring, netizens even commented that they never wanted to watch a "track and field or running game" they save the day to watch for a "boxing fight" but Mayweather looked so frightened of Manny's punches to be stepping back most of the times.  I noticed too that he just let Manny punch till he gets tired and when he is, that is the time FM saw it the right way to do some offense attacks. All FM did was to evade MP's punches, he seldom throw his. 

Win Over Your Husband's "Future" Mistress

It is about time that wives must examine what qualities those who became mistresses have that made husbands forget they are married:

English Lesson 5: Written-English Reminder

Many are raising eyebrows seeing these words thought to have been written mistakenly:
