Mother's Day "Surprise" Cup

This coming Sunday, prepare mom's coffee, tea or chocolate with a "surprise". Very simple and easy to do...

Here is what you will need:

  A thin strip of colored paper 
  - even just a bond paper or stationery  will do
  - the width must not be larger than the bottom of the cup to hide it

 Colored pen
 - any writing instrument that is clear and thicker than a pen would be readable.

Masking/Paper (light brown) Tape
- other tapes may not adhere to the bottom of the cup.

A pair of cup and saucer


1. Write your message for mom on the paper strip. My children wrote:

***"Happy Mother's Day, we love you mom - Angel & Riana" ***

They also draw three hearts each at the beginning and in the end of the message as a design.  Flowers will also be fine.

2. Fold the message strip in a size covered by the cup, must not be noticeable for the surprise. Then stretch the message strip again.

3. Tape the beginning of the message on the saucer. The other end, on the bottom of the cup.


4. Once adhered on both the cup and saucer, fold the message strip again and hide it below the cup on top of the saucer.

5. Blend mom's favorite hot breakfast beverage just 3/4 of the cup to avoid spill when she sees the surprise message (be careful, ask older sister's/aunt/uncle/father's help in pouring hot water). Little things mean a will surely appreciate your efforts and time preparing this.

If your mom's mobile phone has a leather case, this can be a good idea too :) In cabinets, jewelry box any where else that sure she will open daily...

Thanks for reading. Please plus, tweet, re-share it on G+, Fb, tumbler and to other social sites to let others do this to their moms too...

Have a great day everyone!

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