Dengvaxia Vaccine Controversy Reaction

Recently, there has been rumors that the Dengvaxia formulated by Sanofi Pasteur will soon be recalled due to the discovery on its adverse effects to the patients vaccinated with it that have not yet contacted Dengue firsthand.  A Public Health expert also a former DOH( Department of Health) Undersecretary, by Dr. Susan Pineda – Mercado have spoken on a very  recent interview that they had earlier advised the  DOH (Dept. of Health) to refrain from implementing the use of Dengvaxia although Sanofi Pasteur reps has reiterated that the country’s BFAD has approved of it way back in 2014. Also in an International Public Health Magazine published in 2015 – the general public has also been warned that on the first two years of vaccination, it can immunize individuals who have not had Dengue before BUT will soon suffer from severe Dengue infection after the two-year grace period, allegedly.

Sanofi represented by three doctors for a Press Con is now maybe consoling us parents whose children are vaccinated that what they meant of the word ‘SEVERE’ is not more than a high fever, a sudden bleeding or nose bleed. Let us see what SEVERE is from a reliable e-dictionary.

Courtesy: Dictionary.Com

Shortcoming from the side of the DOH and the company itself who made the vaccine is very clear.  The parents should have been informed of the long-term side effect most especially in the case of those children who are not afflicted by Dengue eversince.  That VITAL INFORMATION can help them establish whether to  take the risk and allow immunization or NOT.  Sanofi is now counting on statistics (from source I failed to note) that nine of ten Pinoys have had Dengue without their personal knowledge and subsequent detection MAYBE just to CONSOLE the NERVOUS parents.  It was allegedly administered to public school children in grade IV. 

We put our trust to the governing body that runs our country, even to appointed cabinet officials who were chosen by the higher ranks the majority of us had elected. They should have done their job.  Air of corruption blows hard after hearing the 3.5 Billion budget spent to BUY the newly-formulated product.  The Philippines is just among the few who has allowed it Asia and the only  one who  has madke use of it in a Governement-sponsored project. 

As Sanofi is telling  our children had not been subjected for EXPERIMENTATION –maybe true because if it is, the Aquino Administration should have not PAID for the vials of vaccine.  That made them state that the DOH has really bought Dengvaxia. Even if it is really FOR FREE, what kind of parents would allow their children to be subject of chemical experiments?! Especially vaccines, which are known to have a strain of the disease on it (Correct me if I am wrong, that that is the way vaccines are formulated)?! Oh my, that is why some children who have lower resistance to infection and poor health experience fever after vaccination. Antibodies and the WBCs protect the body from it but in instances that immunity is not strong, it maybe fatal. Although Sanofi cleared out that the Dengvaxia will not bring about DISEASE, as they say IT WILL DEPEND on the body’s immune system and caution – ARE WE NOT FOOLED HERE? What is the use of their vaccine at all? Or does it mean that the government shall BUY ANOTHER DOSE for second booster shot to counteract the adverse effect after two years – in short, the vaccine IS ONLY GOOD OR EFFECTIVE FOR TWO YEARS making it clearer that who had Dengue before and had recuperated from it are MORE immunized after receiving the shot than getting their vaccines alone?! There is a case  of a healthy child allegedly vaccinated of Dengvaxia, after six months of injection still infected by Dengue and become very sick.  

The Press Conference I watched earlier today (Dec 5/GMA NewsTV) has appeared to be a ‘PACIFIER’ telling the stats, the new meaning of severe, etc.  It has been a well-thought remark that 9 out of 10 Pinoys had Dengue (undetected) maybe they are hoping that we MIGHT INCLUDE our children to the stats FOR US to calm down after the BIG REVEAL and make ourselves believe that only 1% can SURE experience that unexpected consequence after two years.

Please, please Duterte Admin, the CULPRITS to this RISK they put our next generation youth should have the punishment they deserve. For Sanofi,  about a refund to monitor each recipient child’s health as well as aid in boosting children’s immune system thru feeding programs and provision of vitamin supplements? For the  government officials involved, how about a hundred dose of vaccine for each of them?!


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