ASEAN Summit Editorial

The recently concluded 31st ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nation) held in the country last November 10-14, 2017 chaired by our esteemed President has brought new HOPE for the Filipino people.   It has also melted away the 'ice' among leaders who were intrigued by various controversies in social media. Some delicate issues between a concerned country has also been addressed.  Security Issues as well as Climate Change are

Greater Economic Integration
Easier trade negotiations, mutuall-beneficial trade liberalization and relations - creating more business opportunities and jobs for individuals.  That can only happen if more investors come to establish their factories and business with the partner countries.

Hope because, not just the general agreement on all ASEAN members that should give priority to the welfare of overseas workers as well as illegal recruitment/trafficking in the region.

Questions arose from the public about how deep implementation on addressing the needs, improved health or financial benefits, and dilemmas of the overseas workers can be surely realized.  As for the Presidential spokesperson, it will definitely lie on the bilateral agreements entered upon by the countries concerned.  But for me, it is a good sign, BIG things start from small. And at least we now have WORDS from LEADERS to hold-on to and expect from.  It will  be really up to them and our continuous clamor for economic protection, physical safety and good relationship/treatment that will remind them to keep-up with their promises, what had been planned during the Summit. 

On Climate Change 
The issue of the phenomenal climate change had been tackled agreeing on cooperation to face the challenge of climate change. Also reaffirming the statement of cooperation on the Paris Agreement regarding commitment to address Climate Change. I think the regulation in the construction industry in the use of Eco-Friendly materials for their projects as well as incorporating GREEN design on architectural aspects could help. The talks will remain verbal unless we, the people, will do our part to help it work-out.

Drug Problem
Being firm on the fight against illegal drugs in the region shall be among the agenda of the current leaders.  Yes, this will truly benefit the people in the region of whatever country they are in  because of International Drug Trafficking that can not be addressed locally if  the syndicates from surrounding nations that may be the foremost supplier can not be targeted. Recently, a  foreigner 'swallower' has been apprehended - even the stool had become their dirty way of  bringing the modern-type of drugs enjoyed by most of the youth of today, a BIG YUCK.  That means, if not addressed right away, no matter how stiff our country's war on it, we will not succeed if the countries in the region would not cooperate immensely.

Countering Terrorism
Alliance of the member states on struggle against international terrorism can be the closure factor in combating acts of terrorism that can not really be addressed alone inclusively by any state.  The Continuous recruitment of ISIS (by Wikipedia) members.

Fighting POVERTY can somehow put a stop to terrorism proliferation. Most of the recruits maybe IF NOT coerced are offered hefty sum of money that somehow been hard to refuse by people below-poverty line who are easily lured by such.

Useful Resources LINKS:

Locally Speaking:

Talks on the continuous defense cooperation, Marawi rehabilitation, feasible trade relationship and the expressed support of the US when it comes to our country's War on Drugs and that only shows that Mr. Donald Trump is true to his words that internal matters on dealing with the issue will not be of their concern to meddle.

The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau and President Duterte has brought-out the Garbage Controversy on their bilateral talks. Trudeau  assured us to address it right away. Anyway, it  takes two to tango - they could not easily brought the tons of trash here had not any CORRUPT public official let it happen.  It might somehow be complicated but at least we heard assurance form their top government official. I am taking his word for that.

The accord on joint marine and gas exploration in the West Philippine Sea and the freedom of navigation.  China also resolved NOT TO put men-in-uniform to visit the area as not to intimidate us.

The core of their bilateral agreement lies on the cooperation on Department of Energy  and Atomic Energy cooperation. They had also agreed on mutual criminality concerns, extradition etc.

Phils. -Japan
The confirmed aid of Japan in relaization of the subway project in Mindanao avenue in Quezon City to Taguig City.

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