Reaction Mindanao Martial Law Declaration

I being a citizen far and away from Marawi could have felt lesser of the tension in the area BUT still I have my opinion about the issue.  The declaration of Martial Law (Proclamation 216 s. of 2017) in the whole of Mindanao last May 23, 2017 by the President Duterte  for me, is just the right move.  

It is evident that the President has no other motive such as power extension etc. but the situation calls for the declaration.  The Maute brothers who had caused the Marawi siege has bigger plans and has been discovered to have connections with the International terrorist group ISIS very evident on their flags and the killed snipers of different nationalities other than our fellow-countrymen.  It is not just a rebellion of a little sort, it was carefully planned and financed by unknown parties yet - collecting the high-caliber fire arms and the money from the enemies' hideout. The brothers alone could not have staged such a huge act if nobody is backing them up. 
The situation needs to be contained in the area so as to avoid bigger damages and loss of life.  The military had shown in the news where Marawi is strategically situated nearly at the center of Mindanao with passages through the neighboring cities and provinces.  Had not the government required each resident to have an identification card and had not the military and police guarded every exit (we see on tv queue of people leaving Marawi  also vehicles on checkpoint) it would have been easier for the rebels to escape the city and spread the chaos. And the Maute family has plans maybe to divert the authorities having caught the parents about to leave on a checkpoint or we may also suppose that they may gather more followers around the country - I heard yesterday that they had been recruiting boys (children) to join their army. The said children were allowed to escape the war so as they say to continue their ideals. There is really a HUGE reason to be on guard, we know that it is not a joke.  Lives had been perished and still there are more held as collateral damage.

The government troops have been very kind to everyone even to those bearing Maute surname on their ID, they investigate first before detaining anybody suspicious.  Have you seen on the news how relax the students around Marawi posed near a tank with our dear soldiers?  There is no repeat of Martial Law during Marcos time and the President,s trust rating has even upped by levels.  President Duterte has warned and reminded the troops of their actions.  And up to this very moment we have not heard of any complaints from a citizen about a soldier.  A soldier interviewed told a news reporter that they refrain from firing while rescuing trapped civilians to avoid the enemies tracing where their bullets come from as to prevent casualties on the side of the civilians.

I also favored the declaration because we know how the president has been true to his promises - now he is saying that we will rebuild Marawi after the rebels are turned to dust.  I believe that, because a lot of sectors are also willing to help - private citizens, tv networks, communication giants and other non-government organizations are there to support the RISE of the NEW MARAWI.  Senator Gordon has also mentioned turning Marawi into a tourist destination to give jobs and business opportunities to the inhabitants - we knew how great he had made Subic Freeport Zone, we can hold on to his words too.  As for now, the city must be cleared from bomb mines to make sure the safety of the residents' return.

The main issue that saddens the people of Marawi  is the looting that occurred during the conflict.  Most Moslems prefers to have their money and precious belongings at home rather than in a bank for safekeeping but their SAFE has been broken even the luxury bags had been stolen.  The businesses were robbed out of merchandise too.  Police are investigating the incidents and there are suspects arrested caught red handed.

What is important is that, the terrorists were not able to go beyond Marawi spreading danger even on the innocent civilians, they had been neutralized WHERE they had started. Let us just support our troops, the  disapproval on Martial Law by VERY FEW critics (always in all the Presidents stakes may be lost their minds and not becoming objective anymore) will not weaken our troops, the approval of the many of why they had been deployed there staking their lives will give them STRENGTH to fight for our cause (not just for the Maranaos) - their heroic deeds can be cherished by all of us who had escaped the doom of being put on the same situation.
 Related Links:
Link (see also the reference links at the bottom of the Wikipedia page):
Wikipedia Proclamation No. 216
 Marawi Siege Plot by
ISIS Flag found by GMA News
Declaration by GMA NewsCah found by dutchman 

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