Reaction Mindanao Martial Law Declaration

I being a citizen far and away from Marawi could have felt lesser of the tension in the area BUT still I have my opinion about the issue.  The declaration of Martial Law (Proclamation 216 s. of 2017) in the whole of Mindanao last May 23, 2017 by the President Duterte  for me, is just the right move.  

It is evident that the President has no other motive such as power extension etc. but the situation calls for the declaration.  The Maute brothers who had caused the Marawi siege has bigger plans and has been discovered to have connections with the International terrorist group ISIS very evident on their flags and the killed snipers of different nationalities other than our fellow-countrymen.  It is not just a rebellion of a little sort, it was carefully planned and financed by unknown parties yet - collecting the high-caliber fire arms and the money from the enemies' hideout. The brothers alone could not have staged such a huge act if nobody is backing them up.