Amazing Chapel Construction Video Link

Everything seemed impossible because of its location (Sibale, Romblon) especially the absence of a port wherein construction materials or equipment can be transported.  God has helped his people thought of a way to construct a makeshift cargo carrier in the form of a raft floated by huge drums.

Another setback is the giant rocks were unearthed on the site.  It took several months to lift them up and a brilliant idea to recycle them to be laid down as among the foundation of the edifice.  The storm Luna has caused devastation in the Island of Sibale, Romblon but indeed is a blessing to the members of the Church of Christ. It  left dead trees that later on served as firewood to aid in solving the problem of gigantic stones. The wind that supposed to have landed in another location farther is like a miracle when IT hit the island as it TURNED BACKWARD from its direction.

The chapel’s architectural structure and engineering plan is CUSTOMIZED for the site’s topographical characteristic.  Unlike the usual steel gate and perimeter fence steel design of other chapels nationwide, theirs is made from cement considering the SALINITY of the air being the site’s proximity to the ocean. Elevation is also among the elements in the construction to adapt to the location, stairs answer the dilemma. 

Brethren from the locale have volunteered in helping the sent construction team expecting NOTHING in return but expecting to glorify our Lord God.

For the convenience of the brethren who accompany their friends and loved ones, a BAPTISMAL POOL is also constructed within the chapel – this prevents long hours of boat travel for baptism of converts.

Seeing the island, you will surprised to see the magnificent chapel nesting, Locale of Sibale, Oriental Mindoro (Ecclesiastical District).  Be more amazed to watch this video:

Pundasyon Episode (Chapel Construction)

INC Engineering & Construction

Online Pawnshop for a Change

Friends, I wanted to share with you this innovation in the pawning industry.  They eyed the Philippines as among the fastest growing on internet-penetration.  The founders thought that most people are ASSET RICH BUT SHORT OF CASH.  Minimal interest rates applied on items.  Too good to be true, no because they also earn from selling the unclaimed items to marketplace called SHOPIFY.  We are well aware that pawn amount is just a fraction of the item’s cost although they GUARANTEE high appraisal. Payments are made thru PawnHero card they will issue where pawners can withdraw their loan.  The operation is nationwide (Philippines) but they plan sooner to expand in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

The online pawnshop which is also known as PawnHero.Com – it is an app-based business running for  almost two years now.  I have a glimpse of it from the Bloomberg TV show, Bright Ideas, hosted by Mr. RJ Ledesma.  Some of the important information I noted:

What is PawnHero.Com
- basically a pawnshop at the reach of your pocket as it was labeled by Mr. Margendorff (CEO)
- a pawnshop with no physical address except for its SINGLE warehouse maintained for the pawned items
- LARGER variety of items accepted
accepts luxury items (jewelries, watches, designer handbags), motorbikes, appliances even musical instruments.  Try everything valuable

Graduation Speech Outline Plus Sample

Graduation Speech Outline
I. Greetings
- to the attendees (co-grads/parents/teachers)
-special mention of the guests (VIPs)

II. Introduction
You may start with a quote for a change.  Make sure it is somehow related to the Theme of the Program.  In my child’s case – the theme is about celebrating the event as a step for a brighter future ahead of the graduates

What I wanted to mean is that deviate from the USUAL. Think of something (not to impress) but to start your speech with a very interesting statement that MAY capture your audience.
It must be in a conversation manner – as if you are talking to a single person  - your guests as one.

III. Body of the Speech

-This may tell a SHORT story of your  journey before the day.
-Or an inspirational talk for your co-graduates to let them feel what you think you are ‘INTO’ after graduation, what awaits you.
-tips that they can keep to motivate them to strive for more