Uninterrupted Service to Our Creator

Why Iglesia ni Cristo Members are Unstoppable in the Service of God?

The sight of brethrens/locales holding worship services inside a flooded chapel in Bulacan; the brethrens in the US unhindered by frozen streets and freezing weather walking far on their way to the chapel (as if nothing is wrong with the surroundings although news seen on tv says that it is unsafe to walk around) and a lot more calamity setbacks - are truly evidences of remarkable faith in our Lord God. People from different religions wonder why we, Church of Christ members, value our church membership that way.

Corn Soup Tips

This post is written in two languages - English-Tagalog. I hope everybody enjoys reading it.

Would you believe that the first time I tried cooking corn for a meal I shred it from the cob in one slicing using an ordinary knife.  My hands get swollen and it took me more than maybe half an hour to finish. Since I shred it once I had it from its clinging to the cob, whole tiny yellow bits of it.  I have eaten sautéed corn many times but never noticed that it was not shredded that way. I know now why ‘corn taste’ is missing.

I love cooking a meal made from corn for my family. I also cook it as comfort food or as a snack with glutinous rice, sugar and coconut milk.  I really love its natural taste that comes out when shredded. For some of you who may not tried yet to cook corn here are tips and a simple recipe:

Maniniwala ka ba na nuong unang beses kong subukang magluto ng mais na pang-ulam tinanggal ko ito sa cob ng isang slice ng kutsilyo. Namaga ang kamay ko at kinalyo sa tigas ng hilaw na mais at inabot yata ng kalahating oras ko mataposang isang kilo. Naku, hindi ko alam na mali pala na hiwain ng buo ang mga butyl kaya pala ung lutuin ko na walang lasang mais dun sa sabaw. Nakakain na ako ng ginisang mais na luto ng iba pero hindi ko napapansin paano ito hiniwa. Alam ko na ngayon kumbakit walang lasa.

Gustong-gusto kong magluto ng mais ulam man o merienda para sa aking pamilya. Kapag ulam ginisa lang. Kapag merienda may malagkit, gata at asukal. Masarap kasi ang natural na lasa nito kapag nagayat na.  Para sa iba sa inyo na kagaya ko din dati, sa mga nag-uumpisa mag-pamilya at hindi pa gaanong sanay sa  pagluto nito, narito ang tips at may kasamang simpleng recipe: