Reminders on 'Lay-Away' Selling

Not familiar with Lay-away? Read Lay-away Basics

I. On Provisional Receipt (PR)

The seller can issue a Provisional Receipt for L-A items with the ff:

- Provisional Receipt with letterhead of your store/company
 Do not buy generic PR’s just anywhere, spend for the printing (it will be your protection from fake receipts).

How to Use the SNIPPING TOOL

The invention of the SNIPPING TOOL has made the work of writers like me hassle-free. Most of the images I used for my blog I have done with the use of Adobe Photoshop, it took me a while to learn it by watching two minute-length  tutorials and the rest I discovered through hands-on ‘try and error’ thing. The SNIPPING TOOL is not as complicated as the layered photoshop that until now I can say, I am just an average learner.  I still cannot edit facial features in a photo and do not know yet how to change photo background.  For budding bloggers like me, the SNIPPING tool will help us a lot for our blog image needs.  But I suggest you learn the diverse Adobe Photoshop application too later on.  For temporary use, here is how to use the very helpful SNIPPING TOOL that you can learn in just a matter of minutes –in just one sitting.

MUST-know Selling Method

Have you been wondering how to keep your store abreast with the evolving economic situation of your consumers while still peaking on sales?  Earning for an income is a bit difficult as well as saving for the future. People may want to buy goods from you BUT if your products do not fall in the bracket of ‘prime necessities’ – consumers tend to put their buying desire at the back of their budget, maybe waiting for a chance to have an extra to get for example newer mobile phones, laptops, jewelries etc.