Most Wanted Gifts Guide

Chatting with friends and some acquaintances, I have learned that most of them preferred gifts of the following kind and here is why:

1. Cash

Most people wanted to buy things they like themselves that is why it is number one on the list.  They can choose the brand, design, model or even just spend half of the cash gift and keep the proceeds lounging in their wallet.

Cash may also add-up to their own savings for buying their dream gadget, designer bag etc.

2. Gift Cheques

Gift Cheques are as good as cash especially if coming from department stores, fastfood or restaurants.  Holidays are the best time to stroll with the family, going to the malls with the gift cheques lessen the worry of cash shortage.

3. Gadgets/Small Kitchen Appliance

Not only children but people of all ages like to have gadgets as a gift.  That is why mobile phones, tablets, and laptops are at peak during holiday seasons.  And the stores help, most have ‘inventory or holiday sale’ before the year ends.  And still there are appliance buys that has gadgets as bonus.  I f you already have one, it might be the best gift for anybody who does not have it yet e.g. buy laptop with free mobile phone.  Home theater system with free kitchen appliance like oven or flat iron.

4. Insurance Policy/Scholarship

Nowadays, insurance policies and scholarships for children are the most sought-after gifts that have long-term benefits to the receiver although very few can afford to provide such expensive gifts - given the chance, among all the items listed they opt to choose it.

Parents are very happy to get scholarship for their children.  Schooling is quite costly, an allowance or tuition fee subsidy if not full grant, helps a lot.

5. Travel Packages

Most families, if given the chance prefer ‘travel gifts’, free accommodation and air fare whether it is local or international destination being holidays are ‘no work and no school’ days and everybody is present.

(If I will be asked, I wanted a reliable internet connection in my place even via tv cable  if possible. I hope Cignal company will launch their internet service in remote areas so that I will not be burdened of going to town just to post on my blog.  I should have more time for this magazine...) 

If you also agree, don't forget to give it a plus and tweet, re-share this post. Thanks a lot for doing that...have a great day everyone :)

First posted in my account

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