Make Math Enjoyable - for Students and Teachers Alike

When you survey students about the subject they like the most,  more likely just a few of them will answer 'Math'.  No wonder even yours truly do not like it so much especially Algebra.  No offense to my teachers in highschool, I only learned it now from the tutorial videos in Youtube because I have to so I will be able to teach my homeschooled children.  I may not be that in-terested to learn it before that is why.  Finding a way to make the learning process more exciting and easier to grasp became a challenge to me. Parents experience (like mine) plus technological advancement gives the millenials more advantage to conducive studying. 

I learned this method from Mrs. Juanita Lagmay, my grade six teacher. She teaches Math applying a bit of music to it. She maybe worried that we could not recognize odd from the even numbers  she thought of a melody to sing it and she landed to the tune of 'Sitsiritsit' and here it goes:

                      "1,3,5,7 are odd numbers
                       2,4,6,8 even numbers
                       _+_+_+_ the answer s

I have to find her to remind me of the missing lyrics, friends - somehow the addends can be replaced as long as it is equal to one another. But still the 'meat' of the song which is the 'odd and even numbers' are remarkably unforgettable if for example you forgot the theory; by remembering those examples given - it is a BIG hint, indeed!

I found a very useful Youtube channel that employs music while teaching, that is IF you do not love composing.  See the link below the snippet:

Homeschool Help with Tutorial Video Links

Being my children in a homeschool this year, I am open to easily accessible resources other than physical library that will absolutely cost me more time and effort to reach. Teachers might also find them helpful as learning aid.

Where to Buy the Cheapest Gold Jewelries

Jewelries, especially GOLD are sure to be the best investment apart from lot or land properties that only those earning hefty sums can afford. Well, for middle-class people - gold is reasonably affordable.

Where in the Philippines you can buy the cheapest jewelry on sale? It is no longer in Ongpin alone that you can find good jewelries at reasonable price.