MTRCB Board Members MUST-Read

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) has been so strict when it comes to implementing policies with regards to rating and observing daily tv programs to the point of suspending individuals/celebrities who had become verbally offensive in hosting noontime shows. I hope that they can STAND on it at all cost.  And this really needs attention.

I hope that the teasers too must be regulated.  I noticed that our satellite cable tv provider (among the giants in the industry), has been negligent in airing teasers sensitive to viewer’s age. 

Child lock tv feature on high-end television set is very useful for my family especially on screening the channels they can watch without us (parents) worrying about restricted themes not suitable for them in times we are not around while they are watching. 

I was shocked to find out that the cable tv provider’s own channel is showing adult content (petting) on their teasers to entice adults to subscribe for additional channels.  It is understandable that the movie is R18 but without notice it suddenly appears as commercial in channels like Colours (it is possible that it is shown on other channels too) – that my children also watch because of the cooking and design shows.  Maybe it is about time that the Regulatory Board should take care of such leniency – continuous airing might STIR curiosity to young minds and might become bad influence on them.

I do hope that this LITTLE COMPLAINT must be given due and immediate attention so as not to compromise our children’s virtues.  This will also prove the MTRCB’s integrity when it comes to rules and regulations implementation.  The commercials are popping-out instantly without a way for the adult audiences to control unlike the airing of the movie itself,  we can, by locking channel or sitting beside them if the story has moral lessons and we are thankfully guided by the ratings you provide.  But those teasers, I do not think that the agency has been completely watchful because of this little BUT huge THREAT to children’s innocence.

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