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Language Learners

Learning is categorized SITUATIONALLY you can easily find what you need to TRANSLATE at the moment.  And once you hit the word you can hear the correct pronunciation too.  What is BEST? It works in OFFLINE MODE – most of the apps I choose are working offline because we still have dead cellsites in the country like here in Quezon Province – most locations are in 2G  reception only – superlative slow connection speed or almost no internet connection at all.

The Second Chance Shirts Factory

My family has been a patron of Unlad shirts ever since. We are benefitting from its quality and I am well aware that the makers of these shirts are among the people who are given a second chance in life.  Unlad factories are mostly located at the FYM Foundation relocation sites – wherein victims of various disasters (victims of storms/flooding, volcanic eruptions etc.)  had been transferred by the Church Administration for sustainable living.

Yes, MOST of the refugees are members of the Church BUT the Unlad factory workers are not limited to the members alone.  There are also workers from other religions.  Most of them never had an experience in sewing or operating sewing machines.  The factories are not built for PROFITS as the primary purpose but to extend help – that is why the sewers are not limited to experienced workers. Those who do not have income are trained first with allowances because the Church Administration knew they badly need a source of income to start their life with.

Why Yes to Eco-Farming

Reasons Why Eco-farming is Beneficial

1.  Environment-friendly

Because Eco-farming only employs organic fertilizers, it helps preserve our environment - saving us from CFC and Aerosole containing products to grow our crops. The air and bodies of water adjacent to the farms will always be safe for the community dwellers too.

2. Economical

My Poem

Inspired by the word STEEL, I come-up with this poem.  It can be sang to the tune of  'Yesterday's Dream'...

Longing to be Safe
Serve You Oh God in words, acts and in mind
The cloak of Thy wisdom may forever be mine
Guide my endeavors be always upright
I shall not move away from the path of ‘life’

Troubles even hardships might seize me
I promise to hold on completely…
I swear to guard myself in moments of bliss
I shall remain with You forever in peace…