Reaction Rizal Monument Photo Bomber

I am certainly a fan of our National hero Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal, I bought and read books about him and even used Patriot’s Daughter (Him as inspiration) as my pen name during college as a staffer in our University’s official publication.

I have been to Rizal Park in Manila before when it was plain and simple way back then and again not a few years ago. 

Photo Bomber Issue
Yes, the monument looks good in Pictures having a plain sky backdrop on every picture taken therein. Years gone by, everything changes as well as the surroundings. Modernization has come to life and even advancement.  I am truly glad that our country is not being left out.  It is inevitable to see new buildings, structures and even skyscrapers sprouting in the Metro. 

Many artistic viewers thought that a condominium constructed viewed at the back of Rizal’s monument creates this annoying background that loses the balance of the landscape.  I personally do not agree with it.  Certain DLSR cameras have this FOCUS element that blurs unnecessary background to highlight the important detail.  Photoshop can do MAGIC too.

 It will just be childish to battle against the construction of the condominium.  Are we going to retard a city’s advancement by obstructing infrastructures to be built within the monument’s panorama?  Do they meant to limit building capabilities of investors?  Are they going to set standard height limit of buildings to be constructed on its back? 

As long as the Park’s lot is not invaded or converted to something that it must be NOT, I do not think it matters to LET the surrounding area prosper.  It is just a matter of ACCEPTANCE that everything changes and this kind of change is for a GOOD REASON.  Like the ordinary park before now it became better and more amusing and pleasurable.

A time will come that more buildings and skyscrapers will emerge on Rizal’s back.  It is just a LIVING PROOF that no matter how much progress our country attains, Dr. Rizal remains to be in the heart of it.  He still stood there where he is.

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