Reaction: Condoms for Students

What has happened to the Filipino Culture and Values? It is understandable that the government is now engaging to its last resort in combating the ballooning number of teenage pregnancies mostly unwanted. 

The measure might somehow  solve the issue – but it may have a subsequent effect to those students who are really not that westernized in terms of valuing chastity.  It may trigger curiosity and encourage more to TRY what should have been far yet from their plans especially if the parents have been STRICTLY guarding and guiding their children.

It is somehow an issue of Parenting and it is inevitable to INVOLVE the CHURCH when it comes to propagating values of Christianity.  The two can be a good partner in educating and informing the children (students) on valuing chastity and upholding Christian Values. The school can also aid via injection on the Science (Biology /Puberty topic) subject - what were just written in the books are purely scientific process of procreation NOT explaining the social aspect and responsibility that goes within.

See how the church where I belong (Iglesia ni Cristo/Church of Christ) does its part to help mold  and divert the attention of the youth of our evolving generation to worthwhile activities:


Kids' Activities
-early training on reporting/newscasting
Church News Kids Edition

Skills/Talent Cometitions
-Piano Competition
INC Sponsored Int'l. Piano Competition
-Art Contest

If the youth is busy in honing their talents and skills (or in the church)we are just giving them  LITTLE time to fool around and try nasty things that in the end will put them in a very compromising situation.

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