Smart Watch Product Review

Hello my dear friends. My family’s place is in a poor signal area in terms of network connection. We can hardly connect with a 3G signal – sometimes we can snatch a single bar, in a ‘particular location’ – for us, it’s the window facing the kitchen sink.  For that, we had to take calls in the ‘speaker mode’ because the moment we lift the handset, it runs-out of signal.  Whew! Communication has not been better since we discovered the Smart Watch.

My husband is quite curious about this smart watch that is sold in about US $20. His comrades had been using one for almost a month and it surprises him to know that the product really works. (NOT a SPONSORED POST)

The Philippine Arena

Why is there a need for the Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Cristo) to spend for structures like Philippine Arena and Phil. Sports Stadium and Phil. Sports Complex?

At a glance, one will not really see the importance of those structures to the service of God not being a chapel. If deeply analyzed, aside from the most common reason others might speculate – to have a place to call our own during big events and gatherings– no more complains of traffic from non-members when we do our religious assembly in public places; the MOST IMPORTANT REASON is we glorify our Lord God when we are united. Church activities keep us united in faith.

Only in a private venue far from main thoroughfares in Metro Manila, we can have our church activities without government intervention (traffic) and public scrutiny (due to traffic we inevitably and unintentionally cause).  Important programs or celebrations especially during occasions most especially worship services that needs huge accommodation can be done in the Philippine Arena (known to be the largest indoor arena on earth). Actually, it is still not enough to house worldwide members. 

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