Reaction on Extra-Judicial Killings

I am deeply saddened that the United Nations has not observed and investigated before haphazardly taking side on the issue of what is Senator de Lima has dubbed as ‘Extra-judicial Killings’. She should not consider the PNP’s statistics to be all EJKs because investigations have to be conducted before branding. Here are among the most controversial cases that I also condemned:

And the PNP are immediately acting upon those policemen who were involved in such questionable ‘performance of duties’ , in fact the two who has shot killed two arrested drug pushers (father and son in Pasay) inside the precinct are relieved of duty. 

News about Pasay Drug Pusher killed in precinct:


The policemen who got involved in the killing of a pusher couple are also relieved as well as the others involved in their trade on that same police station.  They are alleged ninja cops who were asking this couple to sell drugs for these corrupt policemen.  The said couple is asked to remit drug money but just killed maybe to SILENCE them. That is of course not a legitimate police operation but the PNP is prejudged as if they are condone.  Taking the side of the pusher’s family, I better not risk talking to another policeman on this issue, because we really do not know who is good or bad at all unless the government has finished t task of eliminating the ROTTEN tomatoes on the shelf.

Again, this is not an issue to be discussed outside the country because the victims and the suspects are all Filipinos – and there is NO CONDONATION happening, I am challenging a surveyor from the United Nations to interview a million of my fellow-countrymen of what they can say about the issue – if many distrust the government and think that the administration is being UNFAIR then I suppose that is the only time they have to GET INVOLVE in the issue.

I agree with the President’s opinion that before what is prevalent in the daily newspapers broadsheets or tabloids here in the Philippines are INNOCENTS being victimized by rapist, robber-killers, carnapper-killers, taxi drivers robbed of just nearly a thousand-peso earnings and killed, the villains who are believed to be drug users:

- A months-old baby raped. A parent killed by his addict child, toddler raped – stabbed with a bottle in her vag---, an animal raped by a man, teenager robbed of cellphone and killed in an instant
Why the UN and the CHR is not so loudly heard (if they meddle on that unquestionable HUMAN RIGHTS violations – the right to live by the innocent victims)? Now, it is the reverse. The addicts who have guns and knives to kill their victims like butchering a pig or chicken are now on the headlines…what needs help from the CHR? The INNOCENT victims whom they had spared on meddling or those (legitimately) killed addicts and pushers in police operations. Again, illegitimate police operations or abuse of authority are exempted here, they are dealt with accordingly . 

The NCRPO Chief Albayalde reminded us in an interview that the moment suspects arrested are in precinct their handcuffs are removed to put behind bars.  In the circumstances, as we all can see one of the suspects has a big body-built (tall and muscled) - I am not implying that the two policemen are not capable of erring nor they are not guilty BUT we have to listen and to look at both sides to give FAIR judgment. NCRPO chief has reiterated once a policeman face an intimidating situation wherein the villains are physically of advantage or in an encounter place where the criminal is impossible to see hiding or the place is too dim) the tendency is for him to guard his own life especially if they are to attack or go near the target – there is no way the cop will know if there is any gun aiming at him. Since drug suspects (especially the users) are not in the right frame of mind, if we are in the policemen’s shoe and we have families to go home to after our life-threatening job – who would not want to be sure of LIFE?!

The government is CLEAR on its advocacy against criminality and corruption – corruption does not only encompass national coffers but also power and authority corruption. Corruption means fraud, dishonesty and that may pertain to performance of duty – whatever public post it is.  A policeman is no exception.  Especially those who are just liquidating witnesses to their corruption. The two policemen who were said to be rude on a baby and has killed two suspects in the police precinct are immediately relieved.  Again, we can not say that a scene is legitimate police operation or not UNLESS investigated without bias. That is why the ‘Commission on Human Rights’ are not hindered on doing their part to neutralize the situation.  Those whose families have been victims of abuse and overkill are freely approaching CHR.

It is clear that they are just among the Filipinos who lost confidence in the government when they could have brought-up the issue to higher police authority. Maybe it is also not necessary because the PNP is automatically investigating every incident regardless of what is the offense especially if it involves someone in authority.  I can somehow say that CHR is doing its job well BUT making it a topic to be discussed in the senate is a BIG waste of time.  The senate could have moved on to another important matters (such as West Phil. Sea Issue/Development of Renewable Power Resources to Solve Electricity Shortage/ Information Technology Development (being our internet experience among the slowest and still not nationwide coverage – this is true I am among the sufferers, I am kilometers away from a strong internet signal- we could have patterned it from the world’s fastest -Korea) to discuss because it is very obvious that proper agencies and venues are already dealing with the issue. The media is also doing their part that no abuse can prevail – they follow every incident and interview people who witness it. What is there to lose if everybody is doing his rightful share?!
My suggestion to PNP, if there are mediamen who can and would want or willing to wear protective gear such as bulletproof vests and helmets, why not include them in your buy-bust or arrest operations? That is to ensure the public and the unwanted meddlers from outside the country you are just doing your job to protect the public and of course yourself (how can you protect us if you can not take care of yourself).

 On the definition of the Administrative Order 35:

DOJ's Admin Order 35 EJKs in Article I Definition of Terms

I t is very clear that criminals were not included in the Order. Mentioned are all politically motivated assaults and the PRESUMED victims of such to reiterate are media practitioners, affiliate of labor, enviromental, agrarian causes etc.  

Regardless of that fact, there is no need for their (the UN’s) arbitration because our Government can STILL handle the situation in the country. The ‘killings’ perpetrated by police officers are all investigated like the normal SOPs when a dead body is found.  Of course, the government is not discounting the idea that some of the deaths are not done in good faith – Duterte Government is very much aware of that or the possibility of an unscrupulous policemen that may be are members of the Drug syndicate or might have taken an opportunity to abuse authority or power.  BUT we must NOT overlook that if there are negatives, there are also good side of it – the legitimate police operations or encounters.  As I heard the Police Chief is saying on one of his speeches, the policemen MUST LIVE – if they will confront a situation that their lives are at stake, they must not allow it. Sad to say that around two hundred of them are also killed in the Drug combat.

I wonder why when there are daily news of rape-slays, did not the UN heard about the:

News about the Vizconde Massacre (whose story was filmed twice).  The father working abroad for his family is robbed of his loved ones. His three daughters and wife were killed by drug addicts in BF Homes. Here’s a video link:

In the recent news, a nurse was stabbed nineteen times to death after stealing her valuables.  One of his relatives even spoke to the national tv telling those who wanted to slow-down the government’s campaign against illegal drugs to think twice and wished that may they or their loved ones NOT fall victim to such drug addicts whose sanity has flown away because of drug addiction.

Can that be done by a sane person when one can kill with just a stab or two if the motive is only robbery?! What proves that drug is involved? The suspect who voluntarily surrendered admitted that he had been into drugs a year ago BUT his drug test that day showed he is ‘positive’, proving he is not over it yet. 

Think twice before giving comments especially if you do not live here in my country, President Duterte is the only HOPE we have to keep us away from these villains. And thanks to European Union for fair judgment and not meddling on this matter.

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