Reaction President Duterte's SONA 2016

The recent SONA of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte last July 25, 2016 at Batasang Pambansa has stopped Filipinos from all walks of life anywhere in the world to listen to his every word. I am one of the eager fellows who had waited for the day wanting to hear what the newly-elected president's plan for the country and most especially how he would handle the issues that directly affect each of us.

My anticipations has grown bigger after his phenomenal crusade on Illegal Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse as he has promised during the campaign period has rendered more than a hundred thoudsand drug dependents (user or pusher) has voluntarily surrendered most especially in Metro Manila and in the nearby provinces.

As I have expected, I am more than happy to hear his plans that includes more effort on making the lives of ordinary Filipinos more comfortable and promising.  He has implied disgust on blaming others for the country's current situation.  He never wanted to waste time on it. Proving to us that he wanted more to find solutions for the problems we have than thinking about the past.

The nation's war on 'drugs' is still effective as of today and he has encourage the law enforcers to exhaust all efforts in apprehending the last offender standing. He promised to back them up with all his might - but warned the abusers of authority that they will be held accountable for such actions. His conviction on fighting drugs - he swears to stake his life on it, the first time I heard such STRONG statement against this society's worsening dilemma. He has promised to help the citizens involved in drugs to be renewed and helped simultaneously planning the availability of more drug rehabs at the soonest time possible.Our dear President has also stressed that we need to give a FAIR definition of ‘human rights’ – not just looking at the suspects’ rights but also the victims and more importantly the welfare of the country.  That it must NOT be USED AS SHIELD so as to neglect JUSTICE for the country and the victims alike. Critics are saying why only smalltime pushers are grabbed how about the BIG FISHES?! That is why he reiterated to LIFT Death Penalty Law’s temporary revocation. To hang the Drug Lords who are still operating even in jails.

In terms of lightening  our burden on various documentations, Duterte wants to implement a one-stop office for all OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) in securing necessary documents for travel abroad - he wants OWWA, DFA, NBI etc to be on the same building to avoid waste of time, effort and budget for the applicants, reiterating to abolish redundant requirements too. 

Another thing he reminded the government employees of, is to realize computerization - meaning FASTER government-related transactions such as processing of public documents be at the maximum of three working-days release, he is serious about it telling  it on his other speeches before as well as in the Cabinet meeting. He even advised the offices to THROW their computers if they will not USE it - as we know, compuetrization means faster transactions and outputs, this is really making me laugh BUT he is stating fact. And for hat he has requested telecom companies to dedicate number 8888 for complaints in the event that the public will NOT be satisfied with the services of any government office. 

In dealing with the traffic situation, I noticed that he hated queues - and he said that the train cards shall be dispensed in stores,  malls etc. and that he will encourage the establishment of more mass railway system  connecting significant areas in the country as well as the repair and rehabilitation of the old ones for future use mentioning the need for Emergency Powers - that is to speed-up the process of acquisition of materials (that usually takes time without the EPower - every step has a particular duration before it can be consumated) therefore easier access to funds can be granted as well as immediate execution of prospective projects.  Also improving the speed of the trains is also addressed. Air traffic has also been discussed - decongestion plans are mentioned too. Private jets shall be separated from public passenger jets in terms of runway location.

His strong inclination on Death Penalty was also mentioned - he expounded that imprisoned drug lords are still operating in the black market up to this very moment.

Also in the president's SONA is a BETTER 4Ps (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) plus a sack of rice. Rice is among the staples in every Juan's home - and as of today, the price is quite high for below-poverty line members of the society - this is one good news and assurance that everyJuan will eat three times a day.

Free wifi access in public places (plaza, market, governement offices) all over the country will be provided, as he said this can make us happy. He knows our hunger for information technology and advanced communication, his heart really beats with us. 

Extension of Expiry Date of passports and driver's licenses shall be longer (5 yrs)to avoid long queues of renewal applicants another 'making-life-easier' CHANGE for the system.

The trasferring of responsibility on the Motor Vehicle plates shall be shouldered by the DEALERS 
and shall be issued AT THE POINT OF SALE.  This is another help for the Filipino buyers.

Duterte has also WARNED the document fogers (in RECTO in particular) not to sabotage the administration's plans like in falsification of public docs, train tickets etc. This is to keep everything going as it is planned, I am glad that it was mentioned.

The mining industry shall not be discouraged -BUT shall be made sure to follow government standards on operation as to protect our environment.

Suggestion on Federal Form of Government is also reiterated, I support this idea - looking at the US every state is progressive and flooded with investments and opportunities for the residents no need for migration etc.  Check it out in Encarta Encylopedia - every state in US, you would get puzzled on choosing which is the capital because every state is well-developed and has almost equal opportunities as in the seat of the national government.

The 911 helpline implementation all over the country, it is like a dream for me. I am really envied and amazed of how the Americans are doing the Rescue 911 and how many lives are saved each day because of it and dreaming one day that we will have such in the Philippines. And the sturdy warning agains the prank callers are stated.

Here is a YouTube video link:

On the lighter side, the recent SONA is an epitome of simplicity, a signature of  proving that 'the message is important than the venue'. And overall, The President's SONA is quite impressive all we have to do is to WAIT AND SEE.

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