Home Ideas: Mini Ceiling Fan

Hey mom-friends, you may never notice the stress the weather brings us…I personally feel more exhausted when the weather is hot and I got no choice but to finish my kitchen obligations. 

For an energy and cost -efficient choice, minifans ranging from just around US $ 4-10  (depending on brand) would be a great choice.  It is not so strong, just gentle enough to alleviate the annoying heat of the weather while washing the dishes or cooking.  It is gentle enough not to reach the stove flame compared to using desk or stand fan.

I recommend this too in the computer room or your children’s playroom , you can even have it as an alternate for your electric fan in your bedrooms– in years of being a mom, many electric fans had been to us, they always end-up overheating, good that it never cause fire.  Before you end-up sorry, buy an alternate fan like this ceiling fan- since it is mildly airy, I recommend using it at dawn or during the cold weather so as not to overuse your regular electric fans- giving them time to cool down.

Because of its cheap market value you can have as much as you want for every room and even CR of your residence etc.

I do hope that I have shared with you a good market find that can help make your days lighter and stress-free. I would not mind you re-sharing this post to your friends and loved ones if you would find it helpful.

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