Reaction: President Duterte's Interviews & Speeches Prior to Malacañang Inauguration

As of June 2, 2016

The reason for his non-appearance in the inauguration of his Presidency in Manila is brought about by the 'work' that people elected him for.  Travelling just to take an oath wastes his time (it is just formality and media should not make it a BIG ISSUE even provoking public attention - on saying that the President should have paid gratitude to the 16M voters) as he also said when he could have spent it doing the job he will get paid for and among those is ironing-out his cabinet officials. 

The Filipinos, we, are not easily-provoked and we always want to hear explanation, knowing what the President is up to in Davao excuses him from the inauguration. For him, paying gratitude is not just raising his hand for an oath BUT all the more performing his tasks as the head of the country. That kind of person in him is what makes him endearing to the public- his being practical and down-to-earth.  

Everybody who have been chosen as cabinet secretaries are just wearing plain clothes as simple as the President. No flashy, expensive Barongs and extravagant celebration/ceremony.  All were just sitting in monoblocks .  It looks like a good start.

President Duterte stressed-out that he has no plans of interfering with the works and duties of those trusted men UNLESS he hears the public complain.  He also assures the public that his choice of his cabinet members depended on their integrity records and proficiency - he also remarked that a tinge of any anomaly that goes with an applicant (for a cabinet post) automatically clears out the candidate for the position and that all of his choice are HONEST individuals.  It is obvious that most of his choice are not 'trapos' (traditional politicians), not even anybody who is famous, most seemed like ordinary people - some close to him (giving him the advantage of knowing them personally as well as their merits and values).  

He also admonished that he will be harsh on offenders that he never wanted anyone to get involve in corruption.

President's Advice for the Cabinet Members
-never wants to see the Filipino people in queue just for a 'government-certified documents'.  He hated to see people sleeping in cartons waiting till the next day for their turns to be served.  He wanted these government agencies to issue stub dated when the documents can be picked-up for release. He says that he never want the public to spend time and money back and forth in fetching their 'papers' - again saying that we are paying taxes in everything we buy etc. and from these taxes the government employees are getting paid - that they should do their work and we, the public deserves to be 'served'.

- All documents shall be signed received by the government employee. And that employee can be held liable in case the paper is not ready on the exact release  date as it was 'stamped' on the applicant's claim stub IF NOT  the public servant  has to give explanation to him why he was not able to perform his duty.  

-The President allows a three-day (72 hrs.) at the most for the release of public documents applied for and STRICTLY NO FOLLOW-UPs, documents shall be released on specified date on the stub. 
Wow, those policies impressed me. I am hoping that this can truly happen and that time comes, we are heading for the part of the BIG CHANGE.  At long last, this kind of person with such conviction and will power will lead the country.  Honestly, I am excited to hear the President's interviews and speeches seeing those words can embark on a different Philippines.

From Another Interview
The President challenges the telecommunication giants to speed-up their internet service and IF NOT, he will open the gates for competition allowing more foreign investors to step in the country.  

Competition in the industry means lower price and more quality products and services.  I really hope that the WARNING will improve the 'among the world's slowest internet speed' we are experiencing today.  The president is wise enough to utter this challenge, he need not spend a dime from the country's budget to encourage improvement - I really believe that the TelCos will take this matter seriously had not they wanted to lose patrons once the market is opened for competition. Anyway, they are earning so much from the country's booming thirst on infotech.  Why not spend to improve their disappointing service?! I also hope that the TelCos MUST NOT charge such improvement on our bills BUT treat it as their additional investment which could be capitalized in their Assets.
Update: PLDT promises FASTER speed within three to six months. 

I really want to follow the President’s the performance now and then and will update you too. Thanks for reading and thank you more for re-sharing this post to your favorite social sites. Have a great day.

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