My Kind of Coffee – Taste Plus Benefits

I never had a taste of coffee my entire life until I get married. I wonder how it tasted that my husband asks me to make him two cups at the most even the weather is scorching hot, whew! When I serve coffee, I refrain from tasting it unlike when cooking that I get to savor the dish before it could reach the dinner table – I consider coffee as something ‘personal’ because making a cup of it, it sure belongs to a particular person and tasting it for me is synonymous to ‘eating without  a serving spoon’ on a buffet dish. No wonder, I could not perfect the mixture for just a cup but I am perfectly aware that everyone has their own concoction of coffee close to taste buds-with cream, black, tealike etc. 

My life has been filled with juice, chocolate drink and lots of tetra-packed fresh milk.  My first sip of coffee is not so memorable to me, and it is awful because I had the bitter mix I made myself. And I have learned from school that coffee is a source of not so helpful caffeine – causes sleeplessness and stomach upset. I rarely feel an upset stomach but sleeplessness for sure.  I am a self-confessed insomniac and my earliest sleep would be around 10pm. The next time I prepared coffee because of the cold weather and I ran out of chocolate I tried to make a lighter mix – just like a tea and it tastes good. Since then I tried putting milk or cream and it made me like it more. At times, I even add chocolate and it tastes better. The problem is my almost twelve midnight maximum time awake became dawn – yes, caffeine is really working! I tried decaf for a slightly expensive cost, taste is lessen unless I will make a stronger mix BUT the consumption that supposed to be for two weeks per pack became only for a week.

Then I discovered this Café Puro, I really love the REAL brewed taste of it. It is clean and pure to the palette. an exact filled teaspoon (not heaping) and sugar taste a lot better than any coffee I have tasted, no joke. As if it is brewed from coffee beans just in my pot but I bought it instant in a blister pack. Another surprising experience is that – even if is not decaffeinated, I am getting the sleepy as early as like the times I have not met ‘coffee’ yet.

One time, we had a visitor that was advised by his doctor to stay-away from coffee because of his acidity, stomachaches – unaware of that I asked him, if he would like me to stir him a cup of coffee – he said he is just having Café Puro brand alone – because he can drink coffee without the acidity attack he was having gulping other brands. I guess it differs from person to person, BUT there is nothing wrong trying.

I am but surprised to know that we are not the only patrons of Café Puro. I recommend it to my friends because of the findings I had with my sleeping disorder that it does not intervene or add-up (although it does not heal the disorder), now I even add that story from our guest and sure he speaks from experience – it may also benefit other people who have the same sleeping condition as I have  who evade coffee at all.

What more?! It is cheaper than the leading brands, it even has a free mug when you buy the larger pack – the container is the glass mug itself. 

This is NOT a sponsored/paid post – even a time would come that I will share a sponsored post, rest assured that my own opinion will dominate the post unless the brand and I share the same experience with the product.  Sharing some good brands and experience to you matters to me.  I rate this product 

Rating 5/5:

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