Meet the 'Cloud Storage' or Virtual Drive

Why You Don’t Need to Buy that Expensive External Hard/Flash Drive?

The world is getting digital nowadays, everything can be operated by computer from car factories to hospital operations and now virtual drive is getting into the scene. Yes, you do not need to have an ‘actual drive’ to bring around that sometimes went missing, damaged etc.

Virtual Drive is like having a ‘cloud’ storage like what is also known. Cloud because it is just really anywhere as long as there is internet even mobile data connection.

What are the advantages of a cloud storage or virtual drive?

- NO NEED to carry a hard ware with you such as flash drive, discs etc. that sometime soon may get broken.


- available anywhere through internet connection

- Recover LOST File

Once you have saved a file in your Google Drive and you have erased it from your PC and the recycle bin, you can RESTORE the file from your Google Drive once it is Sync (go to the Trash Bin folder in your G-Drive’s ‘MORE’ link button then look for the lost file.)

- files can be edited and synched just anywhere.

- G-Drive files can be made accessible OFFLINE as long as you have installed the DRIVE CHROME WEB APP. Just ENABLE offline button when you log-in.

- Files are also accessible through your Android phone having the Chrome web application.


- Can be hacked

- Not accessible without internet connection


- MUST HAVE a strong password

Must consist of letters, numbers and special characters, avoid birthdates and other information you usually put on signing-up on different web services.

-Might as well activate, pass code to be sent on your mobile phone for security purposes. If they can hack your password, they could not totally get in to your account unless they key-in the password sent to your very own mobile number. That pass code is applicable to all Google services (Gmail/Blogger/Google Drive –under ‘One Account, One Google Policy’).

- Coming from web giant, Google – is the most reliable provider – choose Google Drive as your virtual/cloud storage. 

IMPORTANT: You can choose to keep your Google Drive PRIVATE on your security settings for your privacy and confidentiality of your files.

Google maintain this ‘One account, one Google policy’. Signing-in from any Google products –be it on Google Play, Youtube, G+ or Gmail account everything becomes accessible. If you only sign-up for Gmail you can still access all of Google services but filling-up information needed can validate your account like on G+ (Google’s Facebook counterpart), there is an automatic G+ account for you but it is left blank/unfilled until you supply info. Same is true with Google Blogger. You also have an automatic Blogger account, it is up to you to make your own blog and post content (articles) to it.

In Google Drive, you just need to upload your documents if you think your PC or laptop is getting slow or you need more space for added applications. I have tried accessing it is as easy as grade school instructions.

Here is a little help on Google Services:
(as soon as my laptop gets well, I will upload window snapshots of it)

Log-in to any Google Services like Gmail.

Click on the ‘keypad cube’ menu/toolbar on the upper right corner of the page once signed-in. A drop down menu appears, there listed all Google services available to you. One of them is Google Drive.  You can upload your files documents or images without sacrificing its original value like for pictures, the resolution stays the same unlike when uploaded to Facebook – the photos are usually adjusted to a smaller size and resolution to accommodate more uploads therefore getting it later for printing would not be as good as the original.

Google Drive provides 15GB cloud or virtual storage for FREE, excess of it will be charged starting from around $5 for 100GB.

You can also sync one of your file  folders from your desktop or laptop – that means whatever file you save in that folder will automatically be uploaded to G-Drive as soon as that PC connects to the internet, no more manual uploading – clicking on this or that to upload. 

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