Impress Your Boss: Reminder on Work Ethics

Being God-fearing, believing that everything we do is not hidden from our Creator – we must be guided by the principles of being HONEST at all times. Honest to other people, to our work and to ourselves and by doing that we glorify God. 

We must not steal when we are doing our job. How can someone steal if he does not bring anything out from the office or work place?  Not only material things are prone to theft – but more importantly TIME.  Workers are paid for ‘hours’ of working, there is a window time for lunch and other non-work-related activities. We must learn to be conscientious having shortcomings in doing our job; even if we are not expecting – we will reap the rewards of being one.

Checklist to find-out if you are not stealing TIME from your employer:

1. Do you come on time? Bundy clocks for employees with the time card makes a real time record of your arrival in the office – do not be tempt to ask somebody to do it for you nor bribe the guard.

2. Do you spend the breaks without breaking the allowed time?

3. Are you not checking your Social E-Profiles (Fb, Twitter etc.) while at work? You don’t just steal time here but also electricity consumption…

4. Do you work undertime (leaving earlier than usual) and pretending to be sick to avoid errands?

5. Are you not spending your time on the phone talking or texting? Mind you, you might mess-up your paper works while handling phone calls and replying text messages …or you do that while pretending to be urinating?

6. Do you leave the office on the right time? Or you go under time when your immediate superior is not around?

7. Do you chat with your officemates during office hours? You are not just stealing time from your work but disturbing other employees who might have something more important to do than gossip.

Aside from being honest at all times, one can find success in the work place through the help of these reminders:

Taking Calls

When you are the telephone operator, before you pass the call to somebody, plunge it (if your office is using PABX – a machine that splits direct line to trunklines ) to keep the caller entertained by music – to give you time to check on the person if available to accept the call – there are inevitable circumstances that an office mate or boss maybe busy and rushing something or currently dealing with a client and the call may not be that URGENT to attend to.  There must always be a log book for the calls with particulars on a table with headings  /Time of the Call/Caller Name/ for Whom/ Message/Contact No. The proper answer would be:

“ He is not on his desk at the moment but you can leave your name and number so I can forward it to him. You may also leave a message regarding what you have called for if you prefer.”

Do not ever say, he is in the CR.  The boss went home etc.  ‘…not on his desk’ is the best answer.  That means the person is not available to take the call YET.  The only exception is for those who are ‘on leave’ so as not to disturb the caller from calling again and again.

-Greet first, tell your name etc.  The usual greeting comes with the Company Name or office like for example:

“ Office of Public Affairs, this is Angie – how may I help you?”

-  Never FLIRT on the phone like commenting that the caller has a pleasant voice and later on asking number etc.

- Avoid disclosing sensitive information (bank account/residential address/no. people in the office/schedule of your boss) on the phone especially to strangers.
-Never give your office number to your family and relatives. You have your mobile phone, right?! Or you can give BUT admonish your family to call only on EMERGENCY situations on the  office landline.

- Always be courteous while talking on the phone whoever is calling. Say ‘please’, ‘thank you’ (if you kept the caller waiting), speak softly, be friendly in a professional way. Remember telephone operators are frontliners who can destroy or establish rapport with the clients/suppliers or traders.


Every organized office has Files NOT piles!
-files must be segregated according to use – admin, inventory

- files must be filed with the latest documents on top and for client accounts, bills- there must be  A SUMMARY of each on top of the file tabulated. For inventories, must be updated with the in/out and the balance.

Dealing with the boss

-  Do not give inaccurate answers. Leave your choice of answer  between two – YES or NO. And if unsure, better say “I will check it first, sir/madam” , that way you are not providing false/inaccurate information especially when talking about numbers – be it cost, number of stocks, amount – it really matters a lot for the bosses.

- Be sure to have a checklist of the Reports you have to submit to make it on time. Set a reminder on your phone two days before for every deadline so you will NOT rush your work.  What would you expect in a flash job – full of mistakes, short of resources if there is a need etc.

- If you are a secretary, you have to remind your boss with the appointments for the day so nothing will be overlooked even before the work day is finished, remind him of his upcoming appointments for the next day.

- If the boss has to attend to a client, make the other clients comfortable – give them something to read, coffee or juice and show them a place where they can seat while waiting for their turn.  Update the boss of the visitors by placing notes on his table – if he had to deal with an urgent client, he could adjust his time talking to the other.

I really really hope that all the above tips can help you improve your work behavior and achieve you much needed promotion, Good luck and have a great day ahead!

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