How to Use Thesaurus Properly

‘Family, Daily Living & Style’

Thesaurus is just a reference that comes pre-installed in Microsoft Word, it is offline mode.  It lists the synonyms (words with the same meaning) and antonyms (opposite meaning) of a word. You could NOT completely rely on it on choosing the most appropriate word for a context.  Here are the reminders one should always remember in using every writer’s bestfriend – the Thesaurus:

Choose the most appropriate word, first identify the part of speech where it (the word you want to replace) belongs – how it is being used in the sentence. You cannot find that FACT on a dictionary, the sentence will tell you.  Mastering the parts of speech will help a lot.

The brethren will go to the Philippine Arena for the 101st Anniversary Celebration.

Let us study the sentence above. And I have highlighted the word ‘go’.   If you encoded ‘go’ in your Microsoft Word’s Thesaurus:

Step 1:

On your word document, go to the tool bar on top click on the ‘Review’ tab

What is it Like to Attend the Worship Service in Iglesia ni Cristo?

Curious how ‘Church of Christ’ (Iglesia ni Cristo) Members Attend  and Conduct Worship Services?

As God requires, do everything in an orderly manner.  And here is how the Church follows that commandment:

1. The Church Officers -  be it deacons, deaconess, choir member, finance officers, the secretariat, SCAN members have each own set of uniforms for the Worship Service (WS). 

2. The church goers are seated separately based on gender – males are seated on the left column and women on the right column. 

3. There is an office where to get your proof of attendance (if you are registered from other Locale and just nearby to attend) or give your Transfer Certificate ( if you opt to move-in permanently to the place).  

4. Choir members have identical clear books where the set of hymns are written, they stand to sing simultaneously and take their seats in the same manner.

Potty-training Your Child

Most of first-time moms are really having trouble training toddlers to urinate and defecate in the comfort room’s toilet bowl. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! I have been through it before J Why? Maybe because the bowl is too large or too high for children even the toilet-bowl reducer could not help. Accidents are very likely, bumping head on the ground, toilet-drop-down too. Guiding is not that easy too. There is always a need for your supervision so they can move-out their body wastes neatly and safely.

Find your kid a potty, here is the tip for getting the right one:

- Longer hollow part (elongated not circular), to avoid spillage.