How to Use an Oil Burner

Do you want a home that smells like a spa wherein you can relax and de-stress after a long day’s work? Longing for an aromatherapy right in the comfort of your own home?

Here is the very easy step to get the oil burner running:


Oil Burner
Tea-light Candle
Scented Oil (aroma of your choice)
Lighter/Match sticks

K-12 Ready or Not?

What is K-12?

It is the educational system employed by most countries around the world (universal system) wherein compared to the system we had before there will be TWO more additional levels in high school starting from kindergarten to grade 12, before pursuing a course in college.  The supposedly  first-year high school shall now be called grade 7 and second year  as it was called in the previous system we implemented would be grade 8 till the fourth year high school now be known as grade 10 so on and so forth.

In K-12, there will be additional lessons which are mostly focused on skills and ability (some say TESDA courses’ basic) to prepare the upcoming college freshmen to whatever career may be pursued. K-12 helps students become more competitive and not be left-out being compared to graduates of the said system from other countries.

Cooking Tip: Peeling Garlic

Hi  moms and sis-friends! How are you today? I have something to share with you, it is about peeling garlic the easier way. Maybe you are tired of doing it one by one because it is taking you that long and it is really complicated. Cut the time and do it the faster way. If you need your garlic in whole cloves, this method is not applicable.