Learn Filipino: Daily Conversations I

Here is another lesson in learning Filipino language.  

As for example sentence #1 (see the image below):

You will notice that 'you' is translated as 'ka' and NOT as 'ikaw' in Tagalog/Filipino.  

It is wrong to say "Saan ikaw pupunta?" - it sounds like a talking toddler :)

That is  because 'you' is not used as subject in the sentence like in the pronouns 'I' and 'me' in the English Language. 'I' is more appropriate to use as subject and as object of the verb (going) - it shall be altered to  'me' - same is true with Filipino. When  the  personal pronoun serves as the receiver of action it acts as object - it is rightful to use 'ka' or 'mo' as possessive pronoun.

Sentence #2:

It is wrong to say "Anong oras ang balik ikaw?".

'You' - can be translated in three Filipino words as follows:

1. 'ikaw' -subjective 
2.  'mo' - objective
3.  'ka' - possessive

Sentence #3:

You can omit the personal pronoun 'mo' and say "Paki-bilhan nga ako ng _______."

Sentence #4:

It can also be said as "Pwede ba akong sumama?" The word 'ba" is like a question word.

Sentence # 5:

'na' serves like a convincing word - like 'should' in English, it is enough to mean 'go'. the pronoun 'tayo' is 'you and me' in English.

Sentence #6:

'natin' translates as 'we'. The sentence can also be translated as "Saan tayo pupunta?"

Sentence #7:

'mura' is translation for cheap price. 'ligtas' for 'safe'. 'mamili' to buy or shop

Sentence #8:

'tindahan' = store.

Sentence #9:

'huling' means last (rootword  is 'huli').

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