'Bullet-dropping' Issue in NAIA

“Laglag-bala” Incidents in NAIA is really alarming, more than thirty incidents (if I am not mistaken) happened since January this year.  Among the victims are a domestic helper on her way back to Hongkong, a Japanese National and the identification of the two others I have to find-out. Anyway, whoever they are do not matter that much, what matters are they had all fallen victim to the Modus.

Sad and humiliated that the Philippine Airport – the country’s forefront  unceasingly creating this bad impression to our own fellow-countrymen and most especially to the foreigners who will want to visit the country. No wonder if these prospective visitors will have a change of mind entering the scary airport. A drop to our tourism industry.  I am NOT implying that the air terminal’s staff has something to do with the anomalies BUT if they would stand on it, the staff and employees could unite and help prevent such to happen.  The setback maybe is brought about by fear of losing job IF it happened that some high-ranking officials are involved with the actual offenders. These incidents happened only nowadays – this is believed to be some blackmailing and extorting opportunity for the villains to charge the travelers so as not to have a record. If I am on the shoes of the pitiful victims, I would rather pay for under-the-table ‘settlement’ IF OFFERED than have a derogatory record.

I hope that despite poverty people will refrain from biting each other just to live. It is indeed not poverty because IF the NAIA employees are involved – they have been earning fairly good, is it not they are paid good enough to satisfy their family’s needs? Or just the air of greediness is evident, that these people, if they are really involved – had wanted much than they should be getting? They are longing to feast on other people’s sweat and blood? Even an old lady domestic helper was not spared of the modus.  Imagine, the woman has been working 5 yrs with her employer – caring children of her bosses, it is not just me who is a fellow Filipino who is feeling bad about this but those foreign children.  Not just that, if the employers will not be that firm on believing on their personal knowledge of the poor victim – you have destroyed a hard-to-earn reputation and trust she has built for years with  her  employers.

Maybe the airport’s top management team should get serious in working to combat the bad elements. There may be lapses on the security system where these crooked individuals take advantage of.  Inspection of the employee’s belongings, meticulously listing all the contents of their bag as well as their money on the wallet (if I’m not mistaken SM Malls are doing these with their employees to ensure honesty and integrity), the uniforms are also made without pockets to avoid theft – the employee’s possessions are inspected too before they could leave the work premises to make sure nothing was stolen nor they have not received bribe money etc having their wallet’s content the same.  I knew there are metal detectors in the airport but why is all that possible?  Is there a connivance happening with the security and baggage inspectors?

What so funny is that making us believe that these people allegedly ‘caught’ with bullets have passed the airports (that have more intense security measures than we have) where they originated have not detected the bullets? And the domestic helper I was telling you (who is even afraid that she may not be accepted again by employees because her scheduled travel was postponed because of the incident), Oh my! News of these ‘laglag-bala’ issue were all-over then she would attempt to bring her share?! What a stupidity the felons had wanted her to appear?!  And if we are to think deeply, why only ammunition were found? No guns, huh?! Because bullets are smaller –can be easily smuggled and easier to drop to make it look like it was there for long, is it not true?!

Oh my, not only that I was shy about the villains but the Management of NAIA that shows our proficiency as administrators, forgive for saying that. Philippine National Police’s (PNP) intervention may be of help if the airport’s security agency could not handle the situation!  This is a National Issue that should not be left-out because of the busy air of politics. Or maybe Department of Justice (DOJ) may have something to say or do with this issue. Let us not ruin the image of the Filipino people with just this small incident that could really mean BIG.  We could not blame FIBA for not choosing the country as its HOST for the prestigious games – the traffic worries them, the issue of ‘Balikbayan boxes meddling’  –the very first controversy that famed the airport scared them away and now there is no more terrifying than to be indicted in a foreign land because of a possible ‘frame-up’ Those are the implications that I can say can be called as collateral damage’

Is it not the trendy way to earn these days?! Huh! What a trend?! After the expose of stealing from the ‘Balikbayan boxes’ of our OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) – felons never lose strategies to ‘earn’ and to pester those who are trying to live fairly.

Sorry to have been so opinionated and I could not help spilling my thoughts on this current issue in the country. It is always heartbreaking to see other people suffer just for the gain of selfish ones.  And I do believe that it is not yet late to salvage our mud-spattered name being people of integrity and reliability.

I knew too that the government and the pertinent authorities could not manage to stay calm and seated watching our economy’s downfall – tourism industry and income from the OFWs are of great importance to our economy. Our nation can compete internationally because of the dollars (universal currency) they contribute to the economy which are believed to be the primary sources.  Before, we are resolving the tangible problems in the airport itself – the underrated facilities are somehow improved but the challenge we are facing now, I suppose, is of bigger merit not just to the economy but to our integrity as Filipinos.

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