'Felix Manalo' Movie - NOW SHOWING

Lopez, Quezon is around three-four hours drive away from SM Lucena (Quezon West). I have never been so excited celebrating my birthday (October 8) today in an advance celebration. I regard this as a gift of God to me, the coincident showing of the BioPic of the Church of Christ’s considered to be “God’s Messenger in these last days” (Iglesia ni Cristo)Felix Manalo. 

I am proud to say that I am among those many people who had watched the movie on its first showing day apart from the Guiness Book of Record-breaking Premier night in the Philippine Arena last October 4 (more than 46,000+ came erasing Guiness’ latest record-breaker of 10,000 attendees on a Premier Night). 

The only Movie theater we have here in Quezon Province is that in SM that is why we had to travel that far. In my case, a back and forth fare is two hundred pesos per person, I watched with my whole family (my husband and two daughters). If only there is a cinema in Gumaca(Quezon East Ecclesiastical District), more could have been added. Wait others are saving for the ticket and transportation allowance. I hope it will have a showing extension for the others to have chance.

We are scheduled for the twelve noon screening, when you buy the ticket you will be asked what time you are coming so that you will be sure to have a seat – as usual everything in an orderly manner. We arrived in SM at five minutes to twelve but my husband met a colleague he had not seen for long on the way to the theater that is why we reach the theater 12:10 on my wrist watch. Cinema 2, surprised to see no queue but the opposite cinema (Felix Manalo movie showing too) has a long queue of people – I have learned that they are on a standby for the next screening – we escaped the long line because everybody on Cinema 2 was “in” except for us. I saw different people wearing work or school uniforms, old and young, able and disable (a granny on a wheelchair). The dedication is there, they left for school or work earlier so that they can watch the movie and afterwards will proceed to their daily routines. They just could not let this movie to pass.

I was deeply moved how Bro. Felix has done his thorough research of the "Truth" using the Holy Scriptures, he did not stop looking for the True Church that he knows exists. In every school of religion he had been to, he refused to stay when he finds out there is a conflicting doctrine especially when what is taught is deviating from what is written in the Holy Bible. However it seemed impossible, Bro. Felix tried to bring-out the truth he had found-out thru God's help in all that schools he had been in. He could not waste a minute to let the other preachers lead more people to a big mistake. And he felt more guilty of had led some of them when he was still in the previous religions where he preached – he has been one of the great preachers they had, bringing many people to membership. Until he sees the problem with the expired doctrines (that are supposed-to-be upheld only in the ancient times), the wrong way of baptizing members, the fallacy that faith alone can save man and actions are of no importance. He did not close his eyes and mind for the flagrant truth in front of him although many religious leaders opposed him and even warned him he will just end-up a loser.

It is very true that our Lord God had helped Bro. Felix find the mystery behind His words in the Holy Scriptures. Our Lord God has also instrumented key persons to help him establish His Church. The criticizing of a former other religion co-pastor telling him that the church he preaches is illegitimate, unregistered in the Government. It turned-out to be a blessing-in-disguise-that led him to register the Church. Every step occurring on the right places at the right time- the church’s registration in Phil. Gov’t. simultaneously happened with the historical World War in July 27, 1914…Bro. Felix was asked to come back in that office and God had destined the date of the legitimate emergence of the Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Cristo) to be concurrent with the ‘ends of the earth’. That term as Bible experts explained referred to the days near the real ‘end of the earth’ where the true church shall emerge.  

Our Lord God did not leave Bro. Felix and the Church administration in guiding the Church of Christ until this day of its brilliance. This humble beginning of the Church speaks of its divine phenomenal growth; that from a single man “big mountains” of haughty religions shall be shamed proving that God has conceptualized everything and nothing can impede. From the tiny huts where the worship services are held had risen the grand houses of worship that has always been a landmark especially to remote areas and every key city worldwide.

The movie undoubtedly added to the “seal” of my unwavering faith on God’s Last Messenger’scalling’. I knew of this before, I have read it in a comics where the story was first divulged many years ago but seeing it brought to life has been most overwhelming. Oh, Father I am very thankful I have heeded your call for me to be here in the true church.

This story is inspiring for the church ministers, workers, local and district officers to be more assiduous and persevering in performing their duties – to love, protect the church and its members, adhere with the words of God and be always obedient to the church overseer he had chosen . And that how ever could the situations can be dangerous and hopeless God will find a way of helping the Church stand still. Another lesson I have learned is that the true God’s followers are not afraid to face death and will never cease on worshiping him no matter what.

You must see the movie friends, and I hoped for its dubbing and subtitles in different languages so that more and more people will know of this Church more and hopefully be interested in examining the doctrines upheld by the church.

For more info visit INC Media

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