How to Keep Flowers Fresh for Long

Years ago, I have learned some tips from a florist in Dangwa, Philippines on how should flowers can be kept for longer even it is not a bud anymore.  I have kept the flowers for three more days. I bought the flowers November 2, only means the flowers are just leftover from the November 1 occasion - the flowers have been picked from the farm a few days earlier.  As the owner told me their farm is in Baguio.
photo by Markuso from

I had to believe the flower shop owner can truly help me preserve it longer as I needed them on my wedding on the 5th of November.  The flowers are long stemmed red and white roses (I chose the once that are still in bud and a few in bloom) I bought around sixty dozens. And this is what I have been taught and it is effective, I just followed it religiously. 

Steps on Keeping Flowers Longer:

1. Cut the stem diagonally.

2. Remove the leaves that will touch the water in your preferred vase.

3. If you will be bringing it somewhere and not putting on a vase, cover with used newspaper the stem starting from where the leaves are, extend the newspaper at the top of the flower/bud but the top is exposed.

4. Change the water every two days.  Three to four inches of the stem should be immersed in water.

You will see the flowers are still as fresh as when you bought them.

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