"Whisker the Cat" - A Glance on Our Pet

 My family has this unique cat who has two-colored eye, one green-gray and the other is blue.  I wonder how could that be but he's the living proof...his name is Whisker.  I nearly named him Snow for he is as white.  

Whisker killed a snake, rats and lots of lizard, and cockroaches. And you know what? He'll intentionally put the dead animals where he knows you will going see it! Looks like telling me “see I’m quite useful”.  In the middle of the backdoor is his favorite so I always step on one of it just noticed when I hear and felt I squeezed it...making me his accomplice, indeed seeing it jerking to death! I don’t know if that pleases me thinking Whisker executes the pests as well as those lizards that leave smelly and dirty stools in every corner of the house and even in the table while having your meals.
What else sets him apart from other cats? Whisker doesn’t eat rice and very choosy on food BUT he feeds on dogfood, whew! He loves corn in the cob. It  is already included in my budget.
Whisker has this ridiculous sleeping habit where he poses like a lifeless creature at first my daughters nearly cry seeing him that way. At times his two feet are up while laying upside down on a chair or his head lay down really looked like dead – what good is that nowadays accustomed to his sleeping style the family ended-up laughing altogether ☺

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