How to Find Out a Scam Website Company

These are just few tips I learned while looking for part-time earning opportunities:

Tip #1

The site does not have a LOCK icon/image on the left-side corner of the URL address.  I learned that the sites that lack the said "lock image" is unverified by Google because they have not provided a location or address.

Tip #2
The site asks you to pay before you can start working.

Tip #3
The site is not using actual photos in their office or workplace.

Tip #4
Excessive pictures of  "money" enticing you.

Tip #5
Bargaining cost to join.

I have been a victim of Real Trans--- Job -every time I close the ad window the cost of membership becomes cheaper by 10 or 20$, I thought I have been wise that the next time I have visited site I clicked closed maybe three times so I can pay less but as soon as I became a member and payment has been deducted to my bank account - I was always been redirected t a site full of advertising asking me to pay again and again. Luring me for a first translator job of a hundred dollars but first buy their software etc. A lot of testimonies etc.

Tip #6
Google the website for reviews.

Type in reviews and there you will see loads of comments from people who have had a good or bad experience with the site.


Install WOT - Web of Trust add-on to your Firefox website, Google must have its own too.  Every site displayed on your search is seen with a rating button by audience or netizens.

Tip #8

Better stick to a trusted acquaintance's or friend's recommendations  for real-life income opportunities. Always be cautious.

Tip #9

You can not find the name of the employees or contact persons in Facebook, they must be hiding something; though this does not apply to all.

Tip #10

Trust the web giants for reliable source of  extra income. Google, Facebook, Yahoo etc.

Hope to have given you some simple, experience-based tips :)  Happy web hunting.  If you like this article -please like, share and join the site for more..

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